chapter 36

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Song Qinghan shook his head, explaining, “It’s quite boring inside, so I decide to stay out here, and wait for you by the way!”

Hearing that, Lin Dafu came to an astonishment, with a trace of joyance flashing in his eyes, he asked, “Did you regain your memories?”

Song Qinghan denied, as Lin Dafu was about to rushed over in the next second, “No, I didn’t. I just blurt out whatever came in my mind.”

Noticing the resistance showing up on the face of Song Qinghan, Lin Dafu calmed down all of a sudden with hugest disappointment.

Song Qinghan saw him came in with a rather sullen face, he knew that he probably had said something hurtful again. What occurred to me was the situation of Wu Dahu, but not the man right away. He chased up trying to observe Lin Dafu’s expression.

During dinner, Lin Dafu still got his face plain, he didn’t even pick up food and deliver to Song Qinghan tonight as he did yesterday.

Song Qinghan took the initiative to pick a few dishes and put them into Lin Dafu’s bowl..

Lin Dafu was suddenly stunned as he ate. He looked at Song Qinghan and asked, “How do you know my flavour?”

Song Qinghan smiled big, saying, “I observe you these meals, you prefer salty food and meat, and what I picked are just catering to those two conditions.”

Lin Dafu then got his expression changeable, no one could really tell what’s in his mind.

“I think there still exists a possibility for you to regain your memories.”

What he said totally disrupted Song Qinghan when he was about to deliver the meat in his own mouth, he didn’t expect that Lin Dafu would mentioned something like that again.

Song Qinghan came to smile in bitterness, catching a glimpse of Lin Dafu who staring at him right away. Nothing came to his mind at the right moment. To echo him, or retort him, that was a question.

If he echoed Lin Dafu on the memories thing, he didn’t want to give any hope to the man. If he retorted, he probably would ignite him. Song Qinghan stuck into a dilemma.

In a result, he chose to ignore, pretending that he hadn’t hear the voice of Lin Dafu. He just lowered his head and kept delivering the food in his mouth.

Fortunately, Lin Dafu didn’t be a bad ass at that moment. He raised his hand with chopsticks, and picked up some food and delivered it in Song Qinghan’s bowl.

After dinner, Lin Dafu brought Song Qinghan to the study instead of garden.

In the study, Song Qinghan couldn’t help but exclaim looking around the circumstance, “You’ve got bunch of books here, it’s my first time to see so many books all at once since I came here.”

He then took a pause, noticing he probably had said something wrong, then he shifted the topic right away, “What’s your plan?”

However, Lin Dafu was sensitive enough to catch his words. He frowned and asked, “Since you came here? Where is that?”

Song Qinghan explained, “Here. Right here, Lin Mansion. It’s my first time to witness so many books here in your mansion.”

Well, it made sense to say something like that. But Lin Dafu found the words with other meanings.

However, from Lin Dafu’s point of view, Song Qinghan wasn’t going to tell the truth. So he had to explain by what Song Qinghan had said, “I’m going to draw a picture of you.”

Song Qinghan nodded happily, “Great. What do you want me to do? Stand here? ”

Since Song Qinghan was so active right away, Lin Dafu could draw a certain conclusion that he must hide something secretly not telling him, but he didn’t say anything about that, just nodded, saying, “Alright, just right there. I will move a chair over here.”

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