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“Why don’t you take good care of yourself? Are there no any other femina men in your mansion?” Lianyue came to question as he was rather concerned.

The coughing sound ceased suddenly, and the Grand Coordinator got his expression cold and asked, “None of your business, alright? Think about the trial tomorrow you are going to confront yourself.”

Noticing that the Grand Coordinator was about to leave, Lianyue questioned again, “Why don’t you get married?”

Yet, before the Grand Coordinator came to react, it was Zhuxiu who broke in and shouted, “How dare you! It’s the Lord’s personal affair, do you really think that you’re qualified to question something like that?”

“I saw,” Lianyue pursed his lips, while he noticed that the Grand Coordinator did not give him any reaction at all, “I saw that there were groups of officials out there in the state capital, most of them were elected from the rural places. They claimed that they did not have husband in their hometown, but it turned out that their children were all able to catch fishes in the river already.”

Zhuxiu glanced at the Grand Coordinator for a brief moment, and waved his hand to the prison wardens, motioning them to cover Lianyue’s mouth, and then turned to whisper in the ears of the Grand Coordinator, “Lord, are we leaving?”

Beyond his expectation, the Grand Coordinator turned around suddenly and looked at Lianyue expressionlessly, while asking in a hoarse voice, “Who are you?”

Lianyue was utterly stunned, and he frowned, “If you are asking my name, I am Lianyue.”

“Where do you live? How big is your family?”

The Grand Coordinator raised his eyelids and continued to ask in an unwavering tone.

This time it was Lianyue’s turn to take a sudden pause, he definitely refused to confess his own experience right now, so he answered in a low voice, “Why do you ask so many questions? Isn’t the trial date tomorrow?”

The Grand Coordinator stared at him carefully, and then responded plainly, “The more you confess right now, the less you will be interrogated tomorrow. Or do you intend to let everybody know the personal story of yourself?”

Right in Lianyue’s eyes hidden a hint of struggle, but the struggle eventually turned into the one of decisiveness, he raised his head abruptly, uttering while emphasizing every single word he pronounced, “I LIVE IN JIANXI VILLAGE, I’M AN ORPHAN, RAISED BY A PERFORMER FAMILY.”

It could be seen that the Grand Coordinator’s eyelashes trembled slightly when he heard the words ‘Jianxi Village’. Memories flocked into his mind simultaneously.

“Jianxi Village? Do you mean that Jianxi Village sitting right at the suburbs area around the state capital?”

“Right,”Lianyue sounded, while staring at the Grand Coordinator in gloom, and then he responded in a low voice, “My femina dad is called… Li Yuan.”

Pupils of the Grand Coordinator suddenly shrank, and then he stared at Lianyue with his eyes in sharpness, answering in coldness, “What did you say?”

Lianyue glanced around, silent.

With that sign, the Grand Coordinator finally came to know what he meant. He turned to Zhuxiu, and then commanded coldly, “All of you get out of here, I got something need to talk to him personally.”

Zhuxiu was a bit resinated standing there. The Grand Coordinator had never shown such an attitude before no matter what they were going to do. He now felt himself being devalued as a useless person since he had encountered the matters in a raw recently.

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