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Song Qinghan thought about it carefully, and then asked, “What if I let the other to take the credit?”

The main reason why he was targeted by the doctors from the Imperial Hospital this time was because he was involved in the affairs of the Qingyin Village, so they would think that he was the one who played the most crucial role in it. Thus, would it work to dismiss the idea of the doctors if he succeeded claiming that he did not make something important?

Beyond his expectation, Luo Haiyun shook his head without hesitation, and sighed, “I had explained to them already that you just played a role as a guidance instead of being a main doctor to cure the villagers. But they didn’t believe me and claimed that if Yuan Wenxuan does really get that ability, he should be enrolled in the Imperial Hospital either, they still need labors there anyway. As for me, even they knew that I was there as well, but they just ignored it.”

At this time, Song Qinghan finally understood the seriousness of the matter and frowned, “Then what should we do now? Should I admit defeat to my fate and get myself enrolled into that Imperial Hospital full of queer regulations?”

Luo Haiyun pondered for a moment, as if he had already got an idea in his mind. Yet it seemed to be quite hard for him to speak out.

“Actually, we still get some ways out, but it is just…” uttered Luo Haiyun after a brief while of dither.

Song Qinghan raised his eyebrows and asked directly, “What is it? Get it straightforward, and I will think about that carefully.”

What he said seemed to make Luo Haiyun more confident. Luo Haiyun tried to keep calm and then continued to utter, “It is just too risky, because the only way out is to- take the initiative to join in the front line to rescue people.”

Song Qinghan was stunned for a moment and then he nodded, “Well, that’s not that bad. I did intend to bring Wenxuan there too to help cure the patients there. Since you have got such an idea, it is definitely a great relief for me.”

Luo Haiyun fixed his gaze on Song Qinghan for a second and found Song Qinghan was quite serious. He pondered for another moment and then heaved a sigh of relief, “Alright then, I will go mediate.”

After that, he didn’t bother to stay long and left their house directly.

Song Qinghan stood still there, he thought that he might have troubled Luo Haiyun so much this period. Yet it was totally beyond his ability to make everything come true. So what he could only do was to keep the kindness of Luo Haiyun in mind so that he could repay him in the future.

And then, he went out to purchase daily supply together with Hualian, and by the way gave the title deed of the shop back to Wang Chaoyuan.

Wang Chaoyuan could only accept the deed since Song Qinghan was so stubborn to insist, and claim that he would wait for them and gave it back to them if they came back from the border.

It was almost dark when they finished handling everything on the list. Song Qinghan informed the shopkeeper of the Huichun Shop about their departure when he got Yuan Wenxuan there. Hearing that they were all prepared to go to the front line soon, the shopkeeper showed his generosity without hesitation to send them a whole carriage of herbal medicines while chiming that they were rather useful in the front line.

Song Qinghan accepted them directly since it was impossible for him to make any excuse to refuse such a kindness. Based on the fact that they got a root relationship now with the Huichun Shop without even some redundant polite greetings, he accepted them for the only goal: to save more people in the name of themselves, even the name of the Huichun Shop.

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