Chapter 15

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After half an hour, a cage in rectangle shape featuring one meter long showed up in Wu Dahu’s hands.

Song Qinghan went to find some soft grass and set them in the cage. Then he looked around at the yard and not long a cluster of firewood captured his attention.

It suddenly occurred to him that he could place the firewood on the cage. In that case, with the blockade of the firewood, these two rabbits wouldn’t get wet even in a shower day.

He held the two rabbits and put them into the cage. Then he dropped some vegetables in and closed the gate of the cage.

It was night when he finished dealing with the rabbit stuffs. They made a soup using the dried meat. Along with some rice, they finished their dinner. And then went to sleep.

The next morning, they walked into the back mountain together again.

In front of the illicium verums tree, Wu Dahu asked Song Qinghan to stay and pick the fruits at his own tempo, while he took him as a circle range and explored the prey out.

At noon, Wu Dahu came back with two wild chickens and a wild hare.

In the meantime, Song Qinghan had also already picked a full basket of illicium verums, and he let Wu Dahu to help carry the basket, then the two together headed downwards the mountain.

When they got home, Wu Dahu went to deal with the animal flesh, while Song Qinghan washed the illicium virums he just picked and spread them evenly in the yard, waiting for the sun to dry them naturally.

After everything was set up, Song Qinghan made a tea using the fructus momordicae he picked yesterday. They enjoyed a leisure noon time drinking the tea, and Wu Dahu suddenly asked, “Did you store the fruits just like that?”

What Wu Dahu said seemed to be a wake-up call to Song Qinghan. He shook his head and recalled the exact image of fructus momordicae he had long seen in modern time, then he said with a tone of uncertainty, “It requires me to move the fluff off from their surfaces, and then dry under the sun.”

He would have had this process done if he didn’t notice those two rabbits.

Wu Dahu nodded and pulled up his sleeves and was about to get himself busy.

He took out a grindstone paper which no one would know where it came from. And then he carefully removed the fluff off from the fruits’ surfaces one after another, then put those processed ones into a basin.

Seeing this, Song Qinghan carefully placed a shelf on the stove, and put all the processed fructus momordicae on the it, slowly roasting them.

They would be said to be a couple on the same page. With their perfect cooperation, the deep brown fruits were all gradually tanned. It was quite a big harvest for Song Qinghan to pick and store in a fabric bag.

He had conceived an idea that he would sell these fruits tomorrow when they sold seasonings. As long as he could sell the first batch, he would be confident for the booming business.

By nightfall, it was a proper time to picked all the illicium verums up. Wu Dahu collected all of them and put them into a big cloth bag with gingers, garlic and onions.

After preparing these stuffs which were ready to be sold, he tried to make the preys into dried meat, conducting the method that Song Qinghan had taught. He cut the meat in the size of a fingernail and wrapped them in a Kraft bag.

It was quite a busy yet a rich day, Song Qinghan heard Wu Dahu coughing twice before they went to bed. He couldn’t help but ask in concern, “That will be unhealthy for you to sleep on the ground. Why don’t you get here and sleep?”

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