chapter 67

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Just at the moment when Wu Dahu got his eyes lit up searching for the wolf king, the whole wolf pack moved all of a sudden.

Several wolves in stronger shapes pounced on the three harshly, with their fierce-looking mouths wide open biting on the arms of the three.

Wu Dahu waved his dagger in hand, and then dodged and took a few steps back nimbly. The next moment he executed two of the wolves by beheading them.

He wouldn’t be soft any more because what he faced now wasn’t human, but some fierce beasts. He got his movements more agile while showing no mercy at all.

Wu Decai delivered Wu Dahu an expression of astonishment after he got the wolves in front killed. He didn’t expect that Wu Dahu got such a profound martial skill.

As one fell another rose, the wolf pack howled all of a sudden after the leading wolves died. More wolves kept pouncing on the three showing their fierce wolf teeth.

This time, the wolf pack didn’t take a tentative move but just attack the three ferociously.

Turning around, Wu Dahu beat one of the wolves away, and then used the dagger in hand to behead the other. Right after he he cut off the head of the one jumped on him, there came another one which pounced on him on his legs. Wu Dahu changed the way how he kicked bluntly, he then stepped on the attacking wolf under his one of his feet and stabbed its eyes using his dagger and then grabbed its legs, waving its body in the air to threaten the rest of the approaching wolves.

However, he knew exactly that such an action and resistance and being brave to fight against the beasts wasn’t a wise way, but something in vain. If he couldn’t make it to kill the wolf king among them, they would fail to defeat the whole wolf pack even though they had such a great strength.

He then squinted his eyes and the next moment he noticed a special wolf among the wolf pack. This wolf was special because it featured a far bigger shape with fur of distinguished gray. Wu Dahu then bounced and jumped to his feet stepping on the heads of wolves, and then landed in front of that gray wolf.

A trace of fright could be clearly seen deep in the eyes of the gray wolf. It seemed that the action of Wu Dahu brought it a great shock. And then it was a sudden and long howl from it the next moment.

All the other wolves which heard the long howl surrounded gathered and swarmed to the place where Wu Dahu stayed, each one was with a ferocious look and seemed to ready to tear the man within apart.

However, Wu Dahu gained the initiative to take action. Just as the wolf pack swarmed to him one after another, he used his dagger to stab the gray wolf in its head, and then he twirled the dagger in his hand, lifting high the body of it and throwing it to the wolf pack.

It seemed that the action of Wu Dahu had triggered a switch, the frenzied wolf pack became silent all of a sudden. Though all of them were still staring at Wu Dahu in ferocious looks, they retreated frightening. They failed to find any vulnerable part of Wu Dahu, and then withdrew like an ebb tide.

Relaxing shoulders, Wu Dahu heaved a sigh of relief. But then he heard a scream from Laifu not far away.

The nerve in his mind got strained again, he then rushed to the carriage and picked up Laifu who was grabbing his stiff body, saying, “What’s wrong? Did you get hurt?”

Laifu pointed at somewhere in front, shivering and saying in a hoarse voice, “Yuan… Yuanbao…”

Wu Dahu turned his head suddenly, and then he noticed there lay a headless body on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he would never expect that Wang Yuanbao just died from this fight.

He glanced around and saw that Yin Laosan had already got off the carriage, with the crossbow right in his hands. Wu Decai was just standing aside him with his cloth soaked with blood. It was too dark to recognize the expression of Wu Decai, but it could be inferred that this man wasn’t injured.

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