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I punch the bag repeatedly, ignoring the looks I receive as the bag flew off its rope and smashes against a tree. It explodes, causing me to snarl in anger. "BLADE! I need another punching bag!" I yell, staring at the mess in disdain. I hear him laugh loudly from inside the house.

"Again? This is what, the fifth this month?" He calls back, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah! Just don't tell Ash." That has become my catchphrase for the past few weeks. Ash had to go back down to our other Pack to check in since some Rogues were trying to fight for our territory and wouldn't back down. Technically, I wasn't even supposed to be on my feet at all. Apparently, when I was put into my coma it was because the bullet that was fired into my side grazed something important and my healing abilities wasn't exactly healing it.

My parents were gone for some kind of Alpha and Luna meeting that my Pack wasn't invited to yet, and so I was the only one left in charge since they took their Beta with them. I sigh, leaning against the pole my punching bag used to be hanging on and watch as everyone trains.

Wolves, young and old, run around the field fighting and doing the huge obstacle course. I grin, glancing over at my guards. I told them that they could head home whenever since I made it to my parent's Pack, but they decided to keep watch over me.

"Laine! Come over here!" I call, he looks up in shock. I feel bad, but I don't usually call them over to me but instead tell them to go do something fun for once. All three zooms over to my side.

"Yes, Luna? Is something wrong? Are you in pain?" He asks worriedly, I shake my head with a giggle.

"No, no. I'm okay, and how many times do I have to tell you? Call me, Jaiyana!" I sass, they chuckle. "Anyway, I was hoping you could help me train? I haven't shifted in ages, and I was hoping we could go at it! What do you say?" I ask with a bright, hopeful smile. They exchange worried glances.

"Guys, come on! I promise nothing will happen, you won't get in trouble." I assure them, they nod.

"Fine, we'll help you train." The oldest agrees, glancing at the other two. They agree with him, shifting on the spot. I grin, shifting quickly and baring my teeth playfully at the men. The training field slows to watch, watching as they snap at me and I just circle them. The purest of white wolves, the youngest, jumps at me quickly. His Rogue moves showing as he jumps straight for my throat. I wait until the last second, grabbing the scruff of his neck and flinging him over me. I jump at the older two, teeth flashing in the bright sun as we fight.

I feel a pain in my side where I got shot, but I ignore it. I bite one of their legs, twisting it as I turn my body with my teeth still tug into his bone and forcing him to tumble into the other. All three charges at me at once, pouncing on top of me. Gasps are heard, no one expecting it. But with a simple twist of my body, I throw them off. The youngest flies through the air and jumps straight back onto me, growling and trying to bite at my neck. I shake him off, sighing as I walk towards the oldest.

He's struggling to get up, his leg swollen and bloody. Remorse enters my eyes as I recognize the damage I have done to him, I set a paw on his throat. He submits, acknowledging that I won this fight against him. I nuzzle him, sending healing energies through his body and fixing his leg.

I feel his bone twisting back into place as my magic works. He lets out a yelp of pain as I hear his bone snap back into place and heal quickly. I step away, giving him a goofy grin just as the second oldest jumps on top of me. I spin around, biting the scruff of his neck and sending him onto the ground. I put a paw against his throat, but he doesn't submit. The youngest attacks me from behind, sending me rolling. I growl, snapping for his throat. I'm bowled over the second oldest, Laine, and he snaps dangerously close to my throat. I growl loudly, he answers with a snarl of his own. Our eyes lock in a deadly way as we fight for dominance. Shoving him off me, his body slides toward a tree with the force I used.

I pounce on the youngest, Saen, trapping him against the ground. Laine bowls me over, protecting Sean. I growl, snapping and twisting to throw him off me. But nothing works. I pant, relaxing but not submitting. I nod to him, letting him know he won. As he clambers off me, I slowly get to my feet and bow at him in defeat.

You won. Thank you for training with me. I pant from the strength I used, trotting off towards the house. My siblings were at school and the boys were hanging out with their families, although Matt went with Ash since he wanted to see his mate. His family understood, just grateful to know that he was alive and well.

Once inside the Pack house, I shift back and throw on some extra clothes that were waiting at the door for me. Blade and his mother rounded the corner, smiling at me. "You have a phone call!" His mother sang, looking at me with a huge grin. I gave them weirded out looks, grabbing the outstretched phone from Blade's hand.


"Hey, Love! When can you come back? I know your parents asked you to take care of the Pack, but I want to see you." I could just hear the pout in his voice. I laugh, sitting on the couch and pulling a blanket over my cold legs.

"Well my parents should be back in a few days, and then I'll head over. So, about five days maybe." I tell him, he sighs.

"Can't you come see me now? Our Pack wants to see their Luna since the second she woke up, she ran away." He teases, I roll my eyes.

"I didn't run away, idiot. I wanted to see my family! It's been too long." I giggle when I hear him scoff at my words.

"Sure, whatever. It sure looked like you ran away." He teases, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. But back to your question, I'd like to spend another day or two here. I'll mindlink you when I'm coming home. I love you, but I promised that I'd pick my siblings up from school." I smile, glancing at the clock. School was going to end in another hour, and I wanted to take a quick shower before I left.

"Fine. I love you too. I have a meeting I need to get to anyway." He sighs, after a few more minutes we finally hang up. I dart upstairs, taking the quickest shower of my life and getting dressed in warm clothes. I race outside, jumping into one of my parent's cars. A huge, black SUV. I wave at Kiko and Mark, happy for them that they were finally taking a well-deserved break. 


I'm so happy to finally release the first chapter of this book! I hope you're ready for this rollercoaster of a book! 

There are going to be triggers in here, and i might not always let you know that there will be so please be careful. 

I love and actually ask for feedback whether thats through a comment, dm, or a vote! Please tell me what you think and let me know what you don't like about the book or my writing. 

Have an amazing day/night! 

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