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We walked through the school doors, heads held high even as the humans screamed and ran from us. I walk straight into my first period class; the office had given us our new schedules earlier. As I walk in, I hear gasps of fear around me. I sit down with Ash by my side, he kisses my temple and throws an arm over my shoulders. The teacher shakily walks over to us, fear in his eyes.

"You've missed a lot of work. So, I'm sure the office told you that you had to retake the grade?" He asks us quietly, I glance over at Ash. He nods, I sigh.

"Yes. They have. But we'd all like to take the test to skip this grade next year so we can continue on normally." I tell him respectively, he nods.

"Of course. We're learning about ancient empires and things like that, so just grab a textbook and follow along as best you can." Mr. Rivers is his name. As the teacher walks away, I hear Ash growl. I follow his eyes to see Alistair staring at me. I keep my head held high, taking my phone out as Ash goes to grab me and him a textbook for the class.

Someone taps me on my shoulder, sighing angrily. I look up, noticing that the human girl was glaring down at me. "You're in my seat." She says gruffly, I glance around to see the class has grown silent. Ash sets our textbooks down on the table.

"Yes, but we got here first." He growls lowly, his yellow eyes flashing for a moment. I rest a hand on Ash's arm as I stand.

"Of course. We'll move elsewhere. I'm sorry." I smile, turning to look for a spare seat but the only one open was one by Alistair. I shudder as Ash growls.

"Jay, stay here. You take this seat and I'll take the one by Mr. Alistair." Ash glares at him, I grab Ash's arm.

"Ash, you stay here. I know how you think, and I promise you nothing will happen. Alistair won't get close, not again. He should know better." I look at Alistair warningly, he huffs and switches seats with another guy at his table. Ash huffs, sitting back down as I grab one of the text books and walk towards the only last spare seat.

Sitting down, I open the textbook. Mr. Rivers begins to pass out a worksheet. I follow the directions on the worksheet, not paying attention to him since he was just sharing some random story about his adventures in Peru. I quickly finish the worksheet, turning it in to Mr. Rivers and sitting back down. I pull my phone out, calling Jace.

"Yes, Luna." He answers right away, I smile.

"Jace, I'd like you to ask some of the females to go into Blade and Sam's room and clean it for me. Also, set up some guards around the town. If Max comes, I'd like to stop him as quickly as possible. Get into contact with all our allies, we need to track him and any that are on his side down." I order, he clears his throat.

"Yes, Luna. I'll get right on that. Would you like me to set up a meeting?" Jace asks, I smile.

"Yes, I would. Oh, and would you be wonderful and pick up the books I ordered from the bookstore in town. She knows to let you get them for me." I ask, he chuckles.

"Of course. Have a good day at school, Luna." We hang up after a few more pleasantries and then I call my parents.

"Jay!" I hear Mom yell into the phone, I giggle.

"Hey, Mom! How are you? How's Dad and my siblings? Tell the twins that I will get them back for what they did to my hair." I reply, she laughs.

"We're good, we miss you though. And I will." She replies, I could just imagine her green eyes lit up in joy.

"I miss you too. But just think, once I get into a schedule, I can finally come up to Canada again! I would like to go on a vacation soon, but I promised the Pack I'd stay close, so they know I won't die anytime soon." I sigh, she hums in agreement.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now