Thirty Two

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Ash's POV

It's barely been a week, and I only see her at school. She switched seats, moving to across the room from me. Enzo's mate, Rainey, pulling Jay farther away from me every time I get within ten feet of her. It was getting ridiculous! I just wanted to see my mate... before the suicide mission I was going on.

I was going to rush Max and try to get the human parents back. Jay was right, I should have remembered myself through all of this. I let Adonis's own emotions and personality turn me into something I'm not. A coldhearted Alpha. A horrible mate. An egotistical jerk, to say the least.

I needed to win her back, but I needed to set this straight first. We needed to get their parents' home, safe and sound. It was already almost Christmas, and I just wanted her back.

I feel her presence behind me, five boxes are thrown down in front of me. "Presents. For the Pack. Tell them I said Merry Christmas and that I'll try to make it, but I have some wonderful plans to get as far away as I can from you." She spits at me, but I can feel her emptiness inside her. I turn around slowly, looking up at her as my emotions break free.

"Jay..." Her name falls from my lips as a sigh. I was tired. Tired of watching her run from me.

"I am so sorry, so so sorry. I should have been better for you, for us, for our Pack. I know I was born a human, and I know you love them so much and I was raised better. I don't think they are any lesser than us, I believe they deserve the same respect we have for each other. Please, is there any way I can make it up to you?" I plead, surprise colors her beautiful features before a wild smirk befalls her pink lips.


And that's all it took for me to get up from my seat, fall to my knees in front of her, and begin to beg. I felt no shame in it, nor embarrassment, as she was my own Queen. My Luna. My mate. My better half. My other half. The person who completes me. My equal. So many names for one person who makes me happy.

"I am so sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness. You're my Luna, my equal, my soulmate. I should never have been so ignorant and arrogant and ruthless as I was. I will do anything to make this up to you, anything. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I can only hope you may forgive me one day." I whimper, sounding pathetic as she gazes down at me.

Her beautiful green eyes, looking at me with that same sad look that has haunted me since we basically split up.

"Asher... I gave you too many chances to choose to be my mate or not, and I gave you choices upon choices until I was forced to force you to mark me. But why would I want a mate who can't keep his temper in check, blame things on me, say marking me was my fault which it entirely is but I still gave you a choice even then, and now it's the fact that you believe humans are lesser than us!" She hisses, pain audible in her voice.

"I have loved you, wished you the best, given you everything of me, broke the law multiple times for you, lost my wolf over this little spat between us, and now I'm losing my Pack. I'm too weak, and every day I feel myself become more human as Echo refuses to come back until I forgive you and join your side." She shakes her head, but that one statement has my heart cracked. Have? Loved?

"Even you know just how much a Luna cares fiercely for her Pack, and you made me lose that chance. I would have been in his grasp for no longer than a week, and those humans. Those human parents, who so gladly took me in when I was forced away from you, are now suffering because of your choice to have me knocked out for twenty-four hours! I am a Luna. You're equal! And I'm being treated as if my very right to help my Pack at any cost has been taken away. When we became Luna and Alpha of that Pack, we promised them that our lives would be laid down for them. That is what a Luna and Alpha is. We set aside our relationships, our personal problems, our lives, for the Pack. That is how life goes. We serve, protect, cherish, and lead that Pack and you made me look like a fool." She sighs, her heat of anger disappearing as she bows her head to better look at me.

Tears in her green eyes, only now do I see dark circles under those beautiful eyes and a puffiness around her eyes that showed she had cried recently.

"I know, my love. I know. And I am very, very sorry. I would do anything to make it up to you." I beg, sitting back on my knees as I look up at her. She softly shakes her head, but I don't know if it's to clear it or to tell me no.

"Asher, I know you're sorry but I'm not willing to forgive you just yet. I'm sorry." She whispers, seeing my heartbroken face. Slowly, she turns and walks away from me. Her footsteps falter as she half-turns back to me with a grin tugging at her lips.

"I'll be back for Christmas, and I'm coming over after school. I have my own paperwork to get done!" She calls over her shoulder, her swishing black hair hiding her face from me, but I could swear she was laughing at my most likely dumbstruck face.

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