Twenty Six

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Ash's POV

I wait in the living room, having been told when I knocked on the door to my room that I wasn't allowed in and she wasn't ready yet. I was told to wait in the living room. I sigh as Mom comes down squealing, her golden hair braided to the side, as she jumps up and down.

"You're going to love it!" She squeals; she was the gopher between Winter and I. She told Winter that I was taking Jay on a fancy date, so it wasn't going to be some movie at the theaters or something entirely casual.

I adjust my suit, the fabric taut around my muscles. "If she comes home crying, I won't hesitate to kill you Asher." Solomon threatens, I see from the corner of my eye Enzo getting ready to add his two cents in.

"I'd let you. Enzo, I already know you'd kill me without any reason." I scoff, he huffs and crosses his arms like a toddler.

"You're no fun." He sighs. I roll my eyes. Winter runs down the stairs, tears in her joyful and proud eyes.

"Mom! This is so cliché! I don't want to walk down the stairs and do that dramatic turn to show off this outfit! You send him up." Jay yells in embarrassment, I chuckle and begin to stand up. Winter glares at me, holding her hand out and making a gesture to sit down. Slowly, I do as she says.

"Come on! Don't ruin this for me, please!" Winter begs, Jay growls but does as she was told. She does a hurried version of walking down the steps slowly, making Winter scowl slightly as Jay comes into view with a forced smile. But my jaw drops.

Her hair was curled loosely, framing her face and tumbling down her exposed back. Her light purple dress brought out the tan of her skin; gorgeous. She wore high heels, but I knew she'd still barely come to my shoulder. It had lace over the chest area, but fabric still behind that obviously, and exposed her back. The dress flowed around her and hugged her curves in all the right places.

She was stunning.

"Aha! He's speechless!" Winter laughs, I can't tear my eyes off her.

"You need to make the reservations." Dad reminded me with a chuckle. I nod, humming to show I heard him but still don't move. Jay floats towards me, a smile stretched across her face. This time it was real.

"Well, let's go Prince Charming." She winks, lacing our fingers together. I follow her, gawking as she leads me to the truck as if she was taking me out on the date. Our parents follow, laughing as she tries to hide her amusement.

Get a grip, Asher. Adonis grumbles to me, I snap my jaw closed and open the door for her. She giggles as I wrap my arms around her waist, gently kissing her cheek.

"You, my love, are stunning." I whisper in her ear, loving the adorable blush warming her cheeks. I hoist her by her hips up into the truck, closing the door once I knew she was safely inside. I race around, jumping inside and driving the truck safely down the driveway. I set my hand on her thigh, glancing over to see her fidget in her seat.

Smirking, I watch her turn on the radio. "So, where are we going?" Jay bounces slightly in her seat, excited.

"Well, we're going to dinner. We have reservations at eight thirty. But after that, it's a surprise." I grin at her, knowing how much she hated surprises.

"Rude." She mutters, crossing her arms. Chuckling, I drive a tad faster.

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