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Jay's POV

I pull at the chains, but they were made to withstand my strength. It's been days, and here I am, blindfolded and treated like dirt. "MAX! You get me out of here right NOW!" I scream with my Luna Dominance, but nothing works. I've tried and tried and tried.

My mark burns with an agony, and I was worried I had been out for longer than just a few hours when they knocked me out. What if I was going to start my heat soon? I would die.

I shudder as I think about what I said to Asher before the fight. I was so angry that he was angry and snapped at me, I should have been more worried and tried to be nice. I should have been a better mate.

The door opens, Max coming in. "Well, Jaiyana. How are you this fine evening?" He chuckles, I hold my head high, but I was bringing in all the information I could. The sounds of hooting owls, crickets chirping, and birds nestling down to sleep. It was evening? I thought it was morning.

With the door open I could smell Rogues, the forest, and rain. Way better than the still air of inside this place. "I asked you a question." He hums dangerously, I roll my eyes behind this cloth.

"Besides being chained up, blindfolded, away from my mate, my love, my Ash, and my Pack and family? I'm great." I retort, the blindfold is ripped off me. I growl but take in the sight around me.

Max stands in front of me, his Rogue guards around him. I was sitting in a metal chair that was bolted to the floor, and the chains were reinforced multiple times and bolted multiple times to the floor.

"Are you hungry?" Max asks, crossing his arms with a smirk. He looked like he was having fun, finally being in charge.


"Aw, come on sweetheart. You need your energy if you're going to have my children." He smirks, I snarl and leap as far I could go towards him.

"I will never have your kids! And I will be sorry for your unfortunate mate who will have to!"

He just chuckles, turning to walk away. "You're going to regret that." Him and his buddies leave me alone, slamming the door behind them.

I'm enveloped in darkness once again. I pull at my chains, hoping that I will soon break it. I feel something give way, a bolt popping out of the floor. I grin, standing as much as I can and pulling with all of my weight and strength, but nothing happens again.

Sighing, I sit back down. If I had my full strength, I could break these easily. Maybe I should try mindlinking Ash again, it hasn't worked before but maybe since I'm not eating or drinking, and I haven't slept in over two days, it'll work.

Ash? Ash? Please! Please work you stupid mindlink!

Jay? Jay! Where are you? We're trying to find you, but, where are you? Do you have any clues?

Ash! Goddess, I love you! I don't know where I am. All I know is that I seem to be in a building in the middle of the forest, there's only one door and its metal. It locks on the outside, and where we are it recently rained. Rogues can be smelled everywhere.

Okay, Love. I love you so much, so so much. We have half the country looking for you, thanks to Hazel and Silas.

Ash, please hurry. He... he's saying stuff about me having his kids. Please, Ash. Please hurry. I start to cry, unable to want to live anymore.

I'm coming, Darling. I- The mindlink is cut off as the door is burst open, Max grabbing my jaw with fire in his eyes.

"YOU'RE MINDLINKING HIM! Tell him, tell him how he's never going to find you! Tell him how I'm going to make you have my children and how I'm going to break your matebond!" Max screams into my face.

I unleash a scream of terror through the mindlink, now open to my entire Pack. I hear pleads from my Pack, everyone now aware of what's going on as I show everyone in my Pack what I see through my eyes. They can hear what I hear, see what I see, smell what I smell... maybe it'll help them find me quicker.

"I said tell him! If you don't tell him how bad I'm going to ruin his life, then I'll murder his entire Pack. You hear me? I'll show him just who he's messing with." Max growls, holding onto my jaw tighter. I butt heads with him, wincing at the pain as he staggers back.

"Don't touch me! And trust me, he's going to find you. My whole Pack will, and you'll be groveling for your life Max. I called you my brother, we all did, and you had to go and ruin it." I shout at him, still broadcasting everything to my Pack.

"Me? I ruined it! Jay, you ruined it when you made us all leave our Pack to go and hide from the government. You ruined it when you were his mate and not mine!" He shouts at me, crazed.

"What's going to happen when you find your real mate? Hmm? What are you going to do? Kill her? Or will you kill me? Or will you kill yourself because you'll realize just what you've done." I snarl, he stands up coldly.

"Sedate her." Max orders his Rogues, walking away. They come close, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" They roughly grab me, tilting my head and inserting a needle into my neck. I cry as my mindlink is cut off, my mind keeping me prisoner as I drift off into unconsciousness.

I awake to everyone yelling at each other. That's normal. Rogues don't know how to be orderly and not kill each other.

I sigh, a pounding headache forming at my temple. I wish Ash would hurry up and get me out of this place, their like children.

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