Thirty Three

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Jay's POV

I smile at my excited Pack as I walk past them, hurrying up the stairs to our office. Inside, I could smell both our Beta's and him as well as another Luna and Alpha couple. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walk in to see one of our neighboring Pack's here. I nod at them, shutting the door and walking over to the desk stiffly with a small glare at Ash.

To be honest, I was aching to forgive him, but I wanted him to learn his lesson. Reaching into the file cabinet, I barely listen as they go back to talking. I need to find the form for ordering more food in huge bundle deals as well as the receipts for the last shipment since they smooshed our bread and our bananas were complete goo.

I sigh, shaking my head. Asher has no organizational skills. "Jaiyana, can I help you find what you're looking for? I can feel your disappointment from over here." Ash sighs, turning to me.

"Not hard to feel it. I've felt this way since the day you ruined our only chance of getting Max into custody. But yes, where did you put the receipts and forms for the kitchens? I'm taking stock today, so I know what I need to order and rush order for Christmas. I also need to finish decorating and I need to get stuff for the Ellison's." I begin to worry, my anger vanishing. How would I get all of this done?

"Bottom drawer, should be about the third folder. And I already got something for the family. It's in our room, the decorations are in the kitchen." He informs me, trying to sound pleasant in front of the older couple. I nod, digging into the drawer and quickly finding it.

"Thanks. Mind calling my parents and informing them that I plan to travel there for the New Year?" I murmur, he glances up at me as our Beta's cover for our small conversation.

"Already have plans, love. I promised the Royal Pack we'd join their gala to celebrate the New Year." He glances up at me, his clear blue eyes never leaving mine as he pulls me close by my hips.

Despite everything, I leaned into his touch no matter what my mind yelled at me. My heart yearned for him, and nothing would get in the way of my heart. Even my mind. I search his eyes, knowing he learned his lesson but if I have ever learned anything, it was to keep an Alpha on his toes.

I grin, twisting out of his gentle hold and patting his mass of brown hair as I step away. "See ya later, Mr. Alpha! I'll be staying for dinner." I wink, nodding at the powerful couple. "It was nice meeting you two, but Luna duty calls." I wave, hurrying out of the office and racing down into the kitchen. Still giggling softly to myself, I smile at my Pack and get to work.


Huffing and puffing, I look at my beautiful work. The lights and decoration were up just like I wanted, with some help of course. I cleaned out the kitchen, taking stock of everything that we had and ordering more food and definitely more water. We survive mostly off tap water, but when the kids are running in and out, I make sure they have water with them.

Finally, I decide to go up and look at the presents that Ash decided to give to the Ellison's. Holding onto the wooden railing, I push myself up the stairs and down the hall to get to our room. Exhausted, mentally and physically, the second I walk into our room I don't even look for the presents but lay on the soft bed.

Melting into it with a soft groan, I sigh in relief. No offense to Rainey, but her bed was hard as a rock.

"Love, are you feeling okay?" A deep, masculine voice spoke softly. I look over, seeing Ash leaning against the bathroom doorframe.

"Tired." I mumble, yawning widely and curling into a ball.

"Sleep, then. I won't bother you, I promise." He urges, laying a blanket over me. Leaning over, he kisses my forehead gently and turns to leave. I whine, grabbing his arm and pulling him weakly.

"Don't go. Please?" Looking back at me, shocked, he nods and lays next to me. Wrapping a gentle arm around my waist and pulling me close, I relax against him.

"Sleep well, darling."

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