Twenty Two

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Everyone attacked back, and I was torn between protecting my mate and protecting my Pack. Go! We got it from here, son. Take our daughter and go. Solomon mindlinks me, I pause and nod. I race off into the night, holding Jay impossibly close as I run towards the nearest town. Fifty miles away.

Even with my werewolf speed and strength, the hundreds of miles I ran without pause has weakened me. I barely make fifteen before I collapse against a tree with deep, heaving gasps of the icy air.

Jay groans in my arms, stirring slightly. I need to get her safe, I push myself more. I could care less if I died right now, just as long as Jay gets safe.

I know you don't like me right now, but I'll aid you along your journey.

A powerful voice emitted into my head, a female voice that made me want to bow down and apologize for every bad thing I have ever said about her. Strength fills me, so much strength I feel like I could topple cities if I wanted.

But I use it all to run the fastest I've ever ran and make it to the closest hospital within minutes. I race into the ER, not knowing if Jay has even eaten or drank water or if she was okay in the slightest.

People gasp as I fly in, stopping right in front of the desk. "She needs help. Please!" I beg, cradling her close as tears prick my eyes.

"You... you're the wolves! You're the dead President's grandson!" The man at the desk gasps, I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, she's a damn wolf and so am I. Now, I need a doctor! Jaiyana was kidnapped about four days ago. I don't think she has eaten or drank any water since, and she's been treated horribly. I just got her back, now if you enjoy your life you need to get her into a room!" I yell, a wolf doctor turns around the corner. He notices us right away, bowing his head he races towards us.

"Alpha, come with me. His and Her Royal Majesty contacted every wolf doctor within a three-hundred-mile radius to let us know you were coming." He informs us, gesturing for a bed to come forward. I lay her down gently, she grabs my hand with a groan.

"Jay? Love? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly, she coughs with a small nod.

"Hungry. Thirsty." Is all she says before coughing horribly.

"She's probably malnourished and dehydrated. I see the mark, how long ago?" He questions, pushing the bed into the nearest room. It had a few other people in it, but I could care less.

"Two and a half years, give or take. She almost died in her last heat, and we're going to have to finish the process soon. Before her heat comes again." I tell him, he nods and quickly get a couple drips ready for her and hooks her up to more machines.

"No sedatives! Please, no sedatives!" She flies awake, crying. I shush her quietly, holding her close.

"No sedatives." The doctor agrees, beginning to look her over. "We already have a food drip and water drip in her. Her condition should improve within the hour." He nods to us, leaving. Jay cries against my chest, shaking.

"I... I tried so hard." She cries, I rock her softly and press a kiss against her forehead.

"I know, Love. You're safe, I promise." I cradle her, holding her as she cries herself to sleep. I lay her down on the bed, pulling a couple of blankets out of one of the cupboards and putting it over her.

"What's her story?" One of the humans in the room asked, I glance back and see one teenage boy looking at us strangely and an older female with two casts over her legs.

"She was kidnapped, um, four days ago. I just rescued her, and I sure hope the rest of them..." I trail off, sighing as I glance at the closed door. Suddenly it's banged open, her parents and the Royal Pack leaders jumping in.

"Is she okay?" Winter gasps, I glare at her.

"She's fine. And keep it down, she just fell asleep." I growl, she nods and looks down.

"So, she's okay... Thank Goddess! I don't know what we'd do if she died!" Hazel sobs out, Silas holds his mate close as Enzo observes me for a second.

"You look pissed." Enzo remarks, I nod.

"Did Max get away again or is he?" I trail off, glancing at the confused humans.

"He got away." Enzo answers, I snarl angrily but quickly glance over at Jay. She stays asleep, but she instinctively moves closer to me. I sit down, taking her hand.

"She has so many bruises... Our daughter almost died again because of our stupid decision to send you two away when you were ten." Solomon growls, his amber eyes glowing with disappointment and anger.

"I blame the Moon Goddess. Her will had us meet when we were babies, and She was the one who gave Jay powers. You sent us away for our safety, and it worked until it didn't." I mutter gruffly, the teenager gawks over at us.

"Now I know who you are! You're those wolves!" He whips his phone out, typing something in it and holding his phone out. I walk over, taking the phone. He shows me the video. Posted on YouTube and it went viral.

You see everything happen, from the second we're called down to when it cuts off when we're kidnapped. "Wow, whoever took that video sure did capture it all. Almost like it was... planned." I trail off as I think about that, I click on the YouTube channel, but this is the only video. Even the name of the channel was just numbers, it didn't mean anything. Just123456, that was what it was called.

"Do you think?" Winter gasps, I nod once and hand the phone back to the kid.

"Thanks for that, but I really hate whoever called my mate the crazy psycho wolf." I growl, walking away and sitting back next to Jay.

"What does that mean? Mate?" The kid asks, Solomon answers for me.

"Soulmate. Our one, true half." Solomon smiles down at Winter. "Even if they drive you crazy, not in a good way half the time," Winter slaps Solomon's arm.

"We love each other through it all anyway." Solomon finishes, I nod with a small smile. Jay groans in her sleep, moving even closer to me. I frown, holding her close.

"Ash." She whines, shushing her quietly I pull her into my lap and lean back.

"Don't worry, Love. I'm never leaving your side again." I murmur, she relaxes in my arms. They close the curtains, going to wait out in the waiting room so we can be alone. I lean my cheek against the top of her head, sighing in relief. She's safe. With me.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now