Twenty Five

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I bit my lip as I realize we only have a week left until my heat and we still haven't finished the process yet. I hated this, rushing myself. Although, Ash seems to have been working at an angle the past couple of weeks. Whenever we were alone, he was slowly helping me get comfortable with the thought of it. Maybe I'm ready.

I blush as I toy with my pencil, my English teacher's voice bringing me back to the present. Ash smirks, his hand on my knee.

You went into my mind! I gasp, he shrugs and glances over at me with a grin.

You zoned out, I just wanted to know what you were thinking about.

But it's rude!

Learn to block me then. He challenged, I roll my eyes as the bell rings. I had this one class away from him, my last class of the day. Art.

"Bye!" I grin, darting away from him. I hear him groan, but I knew he wouldn't chase me. I lope into class, sitting down with a grin and beginning the painting we planned out yesterday. Sam sits next to me, already almost done with his painting.

It took me all period to plan mine out yesterday, lucky bastard. I sigh, quickly losing myself in the art.

"Jay! Jay!" Arms are thrown around me, holding me close. I gasp, seeing my five siblings holding me close. I grin, standing up as their arms move down to around my waist.

"Hi, you little munchkins. You boys better not dye my hair again, I had to dye it back for my meeting with the Elders." I wag my finger at my twin brother, they look at each other and grin.

"And no pranks at my house or no dessert." I grin, laughing as they start to whine. I look up, seeing Mom and Dad waiting at the door. "Bye everyone!" I wave, everyone looks up and waves back.

"Bye, Jaiyana!"

"Bye, Luna!"

Mom and Dad exchange confused looks, but I just shrug. I hoist young Lilly up into my arms, nuzzling her close to me. I walk out with my other siblings attached to me at the hip. "What's up?" I ask my parents, still having not forgiven my mother. What she said really hurt me.

"Well, we came to tell you that..." Dad nudges Mom with a cough, she bows her head to me.

"I came here to tell you I'm sorry. I'm really proud of you for what you have achieved, especially with all the circumstances. You grew up to be such a beautiful young woman, and I wish I was there to see it. Jay, I... well we missed six years of your life and we don't want to miss anymore. I missed your first shift, I missed you figuring out who your mate was, I missed teaching you how to be a woman and how to be a Luna, I missed so many things. Most of all, I wasn't there to protect you." Tears fall from her eyes as we now stand outside, her holding my hands.


"No! Let me finish." She begs, I nod.

"You shouldn't have had to have grown up the way you did, and I'm so sorry I did that to you. You are my first child, and I should have been there. I wasn't there for your first date, or your first kiss. I wasn't there to help you through everything a mother should have helped you with. I missed five birthdays, and I ruined your sixteenth. When I should have bought you your first car and organized it myself." She starts to cry, shaking.

"You didn't miss my first date, Mom. We haven't even had one, we've been too busy being Luna and Alpha and almost dying and being kidnapped." I tell her, she brightens slightly. A little bit of joy in her sad green eyes.

"Really?" She whispers, I nod.

"Really." I affirm, she throws her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, and I hope you can forgive me someday!" She cries, I smile softly and hold her close. Burying my face into her neck, I sigh in relief.

"I do forgive you, Mom."

"And she's having her first date tonight, so you might want to hurry. I'll pick you up from our room at four." Ash winks at me as Mom squeals. Blushing, I pull away and just jump into my parent's black SUV.

Within seconds of being home, I'm thrust into my room with the door locked. Then, I'm forced into literal torture.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now