Thirty Five

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"Luna!" Arms are thrown around me, holding me tightly. I giggle as the kids slam me into the wall, all clamoring for my attention as they all scream their stories at me and try to get my attention.

"Hey, sweeties. How about you go outside, and I'll be there in a bit. We'll play any game you want, but I need to speak to the Beta's and Alpha Asher." I wink, they squeal and race through the kitchen. I hear the girls laugh at the kids before the door slams.

Isabella peaks around the corner, waving at me. "Hey, Jaiyana. Asher is up in his room still. He was on a late-night patrol last night and decided to sleep in a bit." She informs me, grinning at me.

"Thank you, Isabella. Once I'm done entertaining the kids, I'll help you girls out with the feast." I wave, heading up the gorgeous red-wood stairs and straight down the hall, into our room.

Dark, almost blacked out, as I close the door behind me. His arm hangs over the side of the bed, his eyes closed tiredly as he snores softly and the gentle rise and fall of his ribs. Laying on his stomach, his brown hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. His scars lined his arms, exposed back, and peaking around his chest.

"Ash?" I murmur, stepping closer to him and laying a hand on his bicep. His blue eyes fly open, jolting awake with a low growl. I stumble back, his hand circles around my wrist and pulls me close. I shush him softly as he buries his head into my neck to breathe in my scent.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

"I had a nightmare. You were dead." He chokes out, shaking against me and holding onto me tightly as if I were going to leave him soon.

"Shh, I'm right here. Alive and well." I kiss the top of his head, hugging him as he pulls me on top of him.

"Don't leave me again. Please! I'll do anything, but please move back in and stay by my side. I can't live without you anymore. Please." He begs, tears in his blue eyes. I cradle his head, leaning down and gently kissing his soft lips.

"I'm not. I've forgiven you and one of your presents for Christmas was me moving back in and never leaving again. No matter what happens. Okay? I love you so much, and I'm not going anywhere." I soothe him, he nods tearfully and just hides his head again back into my neck once he sits up with me on his lap.



I giggle as he follows me like a lost puppy, always reaching for my hand or a hug or to twirl my hair. He was never farther than five feet away from me, always keeping close.

"So, Luna, seems like Alpha really likes you." One of the kids, Ethan, laughs as he jumps up into my arms. I wink, glancing over at Ash as he tries to fight through the hoard of kids to get to me without hurting them.

"I think so too, Ethan. Mind keeping him busy, so I can go wrap his present?" I smirk, already knowing Ash was going to be frantic but the kids would hold him off long enough for me to get inside and hide his present at least. Ethan winks back, nodding as I put him down.

"Count on me, Luna! Attack!" Ethan screams, racing towards the now doubled efforts of the crowd, pulling Ash down in a screeching mess.

Laughing so hard tears fall down my face, I race inside and up to my suitcase in our room. Grabbing the box from within my suitcase, I race back downstairs and hand the box to Isabella. "Wrap it for me? Ash hasn't left my side, so please wrap it!" I beg, she laughs and nods.

"Of course, Jaiyana. I'll go take this to my room." She grins, sashaying away from the kitchen and down the hall to her room.

I sigh in relief, heading back outside where Ash is pulling the climbing kids off his body and gently tossing them to side, but they were quick about getting back on him. "Alright kids! Leave him alone." I call, grinning as I cross my arms as the Pack kids race to get off him and crowd around me.

"Did we do good, Luna?" Frankie, a four-year-old girl, asks with a hopeful smile. I bend down, winking at the kids.

"You did awesome! Thank you, now why don't you go train for a bit and burn off that energy before the feast?" I smile as they quickly head to the playground/obstacle course and begin to play. It was as close to training we were going to put them in, they knew the standard hand-to-hand fighting moves so they could defend themselves but that was it.

Ash ambles up to me, pouting as he wraps an arm around my waist. "Where'd you go, Love? You sicked the kids on me." He whines, I smile as I try to hold back my laughter.

"I just had to go to the bathroom, and I'd rather not have my boyfriend stand inside the bathroom while I'm inside." I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning up to look at him.

"I would've waited outside." He pouts, sounding like a child. I look away to hide some silent laughter, biting my lip as I look back at him.

"Yes, Ash. But I wanted one second alone, but I'm back now." A small burst of laughter escaping me at his sad, pouty face.

"Stop laughing at me!" He whines, burying his head back into my neck where his breath blew across my mark. I shudder, my eyes closing as sparks shoot down through my body.

"But you're so easy to laugh at." I breathe out, trying to stay in control as Echo tries to take control.

I deserve to be in control after so long away from our mate. She snarls in my head, rearing her black head back as she howls in a high-pitched, annoying tone.

"Jay are you okay?" His voice anchors me, but Echo doubles her efforts. Gritting my teeth, I fight back. This is my body, I should stay in control. Slowly, inch by inch, she begins to take over control. Thrown into the black prison, she locks me up deep inside as she takes the control she believes should be hers.

Our eyes fly open, but I'm barely able to see what she sees. I can't hear or see or feel anymore. I'm alone. She locked me up, wanting to be in charge. Now all I could do is let her.

I pace the cell I'm stuck in, banging on the walls to be let out. This was my body and I deserve to be out. I didn't consent to this.

And I didn't consent to staying away from our mate! Echo's voice growls into our mind, bouncing off the walls of our mind and shaking everything dangerously.

I'm sorry, I really am, he just needed to learn his lesson. I respond shakily, already knowing that I've been stuck in here for a couple of hours. The human side of a werewolf should never be out of control of her own body for longer than a few hours, seeing as she wasn't equipped to being stuck in the spirit realm.

And the only thing keeping me in our mind, was the fact that Echo was keeping me there but even then, my spirit will slip away eventually. The wolf side was allowed to take control, but never for longer than a few hours if in human form but in wolf form they can take control for as long as they want or need but the human side can always stay in control in wolf form.

It wasn't exactly fair, but us werewolves tried to keep it fair. Maybe I should have done better.

I'm sorry, Echo. I truly am. Please, just let me back out. I beg, metaphorically on my knees. She thinks for just a moment, before I'm thrust back into my body.

Don't make me regret this, Jay. She sighs softly, tired as she slips out of my mind and into the spirit realm where the wolves celebrated their holiday of the year. Tonight was a full moon, and this was their time to run amongst the humans in the spirit realm and enjoy the world.

The legends were somewhat correct, the whole human turning into a terrible monster on the full moon. But what they didn't know, was that the humans that were werewolves weren't transforming at all those nights.

The full moon is the only time the spirit wolves can leave the spirit realm and their paired humans to run freely among the living world. But this was the first time Echo could ever participate, seeing as we were either in danger or me too weak for her to leave.

But she was allowed to finally go out and enjoy human life without a certain time limit besides the whole night thing.

Slowly, I open my eyes and realize everyone in the dining room is staring at me. A broken plate at my feet as I stumble back from the shock of getting back into control. "Finally." I murmur to myself, my eyes roaming around the room.

"What time is it?"

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