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"Luna, how do you feel now?" Dr. Collin asks, as head doctor or healer he was by my side always and watching the human doctor; Dr. Elliot.

"Pain free." I sigh, he grins.

"Perfect. Any weakness? Headaches? How does your wolf feel?" He presses, I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Nauseous and weak. Echo is... she's not present at the moment." I tell him, he nods and writes everything down.

"Okay, Luna. Let me just take your vitals here." He checks it once again, frowning at what he finds. "Luna, you have the heartrate of a dying human. That's not good." Dr. Collin frowns, leaning forward to press his hand against my forehead. Ash growls, snapping his head around to glare at Dr. Collin.

"Nope, Mr. Alpha. You can't hurt me for taking care of your mate. Try it, and the guards will come and stop you." Collin warns, I let out a giggle that quickly turns into a deadly cough.

"Fine." Ash sulks, taking my hand gently.

"You have a fever, Luna. A really high one." Collin's voice begins to grow worried. I offer him a sad smile, but my body begins jolting around and spasming. My eyes roll back, blackness covering my vision.

I groan, moving my sore body as I wearily blink my eyes open. I'm surrounded by my family, both my betas, Jace's future successor and his mate, and my mate. A good portion of my Pack, and I could smell more were sleeping in and around the hospital.

Slowly, I sit up, pressing the nurse button to get some water for my cakey throat. The door is burst open, nurses and doctors seeming to have prepared for the worst. I furrow my eyebrows, staring at them in confusion. "Water, please." I cough, multiple nurses race away and come back within moments. I'm handed a big cup of water, a couple more being set down beside me.

I sip at it, knowing to not chug it or I could make myself even weaker. "What's going on? Wait, is my heat over?" I exclaim, feeling my stomach and realizing just how normal I feel. I poke Ash's cheek, giggling when he just lets out a snore.

"Ma'am, how are you feeling?" One of the doctors asks, taking my file off the end of my bed and beginning to write down my vitals with an impressed look on his face.

"A bit weak, but pretty good for my organs failing." I wink, laughing at my own joke. A couple of nurses crack a smile, laying a couple blankets over me. I turn back to Ash, pushing him harder this time. He launches to his feet, worry in his eyes as he looks straight past me and to the doctors.

"Is she okay? Did she have another seizure?" Ash questions worriedly, I frown and gently grab his hand.

"Ash, I'm okay. I promise." I smile as he looks down at me in shock, grabbing my chin and gently kissing me.

"I love you." He whispers, tears pricking his eyes.

"Aw, is my big bad Alpha going to cry?" I tease, he hugs me and buries his head into my neck.

"I thought I lost you!" He cries, my teasing smile disappearing as I wrap my arms around him in return.

"Asher McHanner, I'd never leave you. I'm not going to leave you by yourself, I won't even let death take me away." I whisper, pulling him closer to me. He crawls in next to me, hiding his face in my neck and hair.

"Ma'am, is there anything wrong? Your wolf might know something that we don't." Another doctor asks, Echo takes control and shakes her head.

"There is nothing to be concerned about, doctors. Thank you for saving Jaiyana, you have my sincere gratitude. She is healthy and in perfect condition if I say so myself. Maybe even ready to-" I force myself into control with a blush.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now