Twenty Eight

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"No, no, no! She," I pause as I burst into even more giggles as our hands swings between us, walking down the street towards our hotel room. "She not only fell down the stairs! B-but she," I have to pause again, laughing even more as Ash chuckles beside me and squeezes my hand softly.

"She screamed halfway down, and then just... stopped!" I burst into another fit of giggles, leaning against Ash as we walk into a hotel and he checks us in.

"That's a very funny story, love." He smiles down lovingly at me, taking the key card and leading me towards the elevator.

I giggle, leaning against him. I was full of energy, but I was calm since I knew what was going to happen once we went into the room and I fully accepted it. Did I want it to happen this way? Maybe not. But was I ready? Yes, I was.

I wasn't just choosing to live, but I was also choosing him. Once and for all.

He pulls me close, pressing a kiss to the corner of my lips. Pulling away with a grin, I pout up at him. He chuckles, pulling me down the hall and into the bedroom. It was a long night.


I giggle as we sit in the cafeteria, me in his lap as I eat my lunch. My phone begins to ring, interrupting one of the human's funny story.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." I smile, clambering out of Ash's lap and standing. "This is Luna Jaiyana speaking." I say into the phone with renewed strength ever since the night of our date, there's a sigh.

"Jay. Jay. Jay. I have your little pet's parents. I have a deal for you." Max's voice filters through the phone, I tense, my smile falling as rage courses through my fiery veins.

"Max." I growl tersely into the phone, the people around us going silent as slowly, the cafeteria goes silent as well.

"Now, if you come to me without anyone following you or a trap without a struggle, I'll release their parents without any harm. A peaceful exchange." Max informs me, I growl and clench my fists.

"What makes you think that's a fair deal?" I snarl, he chuckles.

"This is more than fair. I could be cutting parts of their bodies off and sending it to you for motivation. Just, meet me at the border between Washington and Oregon at dawn." He informs me, I narrow my eyes.

"And if I don't?" I challenge, he laughs maniacally. He truly lost his mind.

"Not only will I kill their parents slowly, recording it and sending you the video, but I will destroy your Pack and everyone you love." He laughs crazily. I growl as he hangs up on me, throwing my phone towards the floor. Ash leans forward, catching it before it hits the ground.

"We need the phone number. Blade, get into contact with Winter and Solomon. We need more information from his parents. I don't care what you do but get everything you can! Jay, you will not be going to meet up with him. We just got you back, and you will not be trading yourself for the boy's parents. No offense, but I'm not having you risk your life for this." Ash orders, grabbing me by my arms and pulling me close.

"You will be going straight to the Royal Pack as planned and staying there for two days. I will meet up with you when this is all done and over with at your parent's place. I'll even stop by and check up on Wyatt on the way, seeing if he's been attacked by any more Rogues since our last visit." Ash tries to soothe me, getting me to follow his plan. But I end up shaking my head angrily.

"What! No! I'm not letting you do this by yourselves. This is my Pack too, Asher! And if I want to sacrifice a few days of freedom, because I know you will come and find me, then I will." I argue, he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry for this, I truly am." He sighs, nodding to someone behind me. Enzo spins me around, gripping my shoulders tightly.

"Jaiyana Ranger, I order you and your wolf to go straight to my family after school as planned and stay there until someone comes to get you, whether that is Asher or me. No one else can take you. I order you to not try to find any loopholes in my wording and to listen to my every word." He orders, I fall to my knees from the power in his words with a whine.

"No. I will not submit." I growl, whining as Echo forces me to listen and every fiber of my body cries out in pain the longer I resist. My body slumps to the ground, submitting to him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, My Alpha King." Echo says through me as I submit to him. Enzo leans down, helping me to my feet. Ash goes to pull me into a hug, but I push him away.

"No! As Luna I have every right to be there, I have every right to help my Pack. It was my idea to start a Pack, which I will admit almost got us charged, but it was my idea. You are my mate, and you should let me, as Luna, be your equal!" I yell, he steps back as his blue eyes grow cold.

His eyes go out of focus, a few of our guards coming through and grabbing me gently. "Asher! You can't be serious! I'm done, Asher. I'm done." I glare at him harshly, spitting those words. He flinches back, his head bowing as he collects himself.

"Put her in the saferoom, lock it, and guard it and keep three guards in with her. Make sure she doesn't escape." He orders, they bow their heads.

"Yes, Alpha." They agree, I shove them off with me and send them sprawling multiple feet from me. I wasn't actively searching for any loopholes but knowing before he said that I couldn't find any, I could easily shift and race towards the trees.

I will do anything to protect my Pack, even go against my future King's orders and turn myself in to Max.

Go back! Now! We can't disobey Alpha's orders! Echo shouts at me in my head, I just block here to hide her from my mind. I needed to focus. The spongy ground quieted my footfalls as I raced towards the border between my Pack and Rogue land.

I had to, and I will, save their parents. Even if it was the last thing I did.

Ash's POV

She just fucking left and raced away in a blink of an eye as every human watched. "Shit." I mumble, turning to our friends.

"Ember, go after her now. You are the best tracker we've ever seen, and I need you to keep her safe. Bring her back. Sam and Matt will go with you. Blade, take Autumn back to the Pack house so Ember doesn't need to worry. I will get all the best warriors and guards we have so we can get your parents, boys. You can come with us if you want." I order quickly. Ember, Sam, and Matt race away to go after Jaiyana.

Turning to Enzo, I nod to him. "Get some of yourwarriors, we'll need them. Max has no idea what's coming to him." I smirkdangerously, leading the way. "We're going to try and get there before shedoes."

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