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Ash's POV

We walk into the school, my eyes only on her as she walks a few steps ahead of me talking with Blade about security measures for a meeting after school. Jace was going to come with us to the meeting, and Blade was going to stay behind to take care of the Pack.

I see a familiar face looking at me, waiting at my locker. The guy who yelled at me for protecting his sister. I scoff under my breath, rolling my eyes as I grab Jay's waist. "Love, I have to talk to this guy. I'll meet you in first period." I murmur in her ear, she follows my gaze to the boy at my locker.

"I'm coming with you." She rolls her eyes, I shrug and walk over with her holding onto my hand.

"Do you need something?" I ask the guy, opening my locker. Jay reaches past me, grabbing my textbook off the shelf and trying to hold it for me. I take it from her hands, grabbing her backpack and hanging it up for her in my locker.

"Yes. My sister told me what you did the other day." He says gruffly, Jay pauses.

"Ash, I swear, what did you do?" Jay's eyes widen, I kiss her forehead.

"Nothing, Love." I murmur softly, taking her textbook out of her backpack and her binder for her.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted and to thank you for protecting her. She's been having trouble with bullies lately and I could never catch them in the act. So, really, thank you." The guy shifts on his feet in worry, fear flashing in his eyes as I look up from my beautiful Jay.

"You're welcome. I don't want anyone to be bullied. Bullies are weak and run if I give them one look." I give the guy a grin, Jay slaps my arm.

"Hey! Bullies usually have been hurt before, and don't you forget it." I smile down at her, recognizing the compassion she even showed to those who hurt others.

"Of course, Jay. I won't. Why don't you head to class now? I have to find my Coach and explain to him why I can't make it to practice today." I smile down at her, she nods so I quickly kiss her and send her on her way. Still holding our stuff, I beckon to Blade. He comes to my side quickly.

"Take this to Jay. And keep an eye on Alistair, I don't trust him." I order, Blade nods with a smirk.

"Neither do we. Kisses our Luna against her will, he can die for all we care." Blade snorts, Sam pushes his mate gently.

"We don't harm humans, or the Elders will come after us. We may not like him, but we have to be kind. Jay's rules, remember." Sam reminds Blade, Blade scoffs.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, I still need to get you to class too." Blade mutters, everyone leaving me and this kid. I turn back to the guy, leaning against my shut locker.

"Would you mind telling your sister that if she ever needs any help with bullies again, that not only will I help her, but my entire Pack will too? We don't like those who hurt others. Jay makes sure of that." I sigh, he nods.

"Okay, I will. And, uh, I was wondering... how do you even, uh, turn into a wolf?" He asks awkwardly, I chuckle and pat his shoulder.

"That's a story for another time, man. See you later." I wave as I walk to find Coach. Walking into gym, I see him speaking to his class about today's workout. People gasp when I walk in though, all of them still afraid of me. I roll my eyes, walking over to Coach.

"Hey, Coach. I can't make it to practice today but was hoping you'd let me makeup today's practice with two hours tomorrow after school." I say, he looks up at me from his spot in his seat.

"Why can't you make it today, Asher? You're my best player, and my only Quarterback." Coach asks gruffly, crossing his arms.

"I have a meeting right after school for my Pack, and I can't exactly miss it again. Last time I missed it, I barely got them to agree to not start a war with us. I have to make it today." I explain without telling him too much. I hear murmuring break out behind me, all talking about my use of words. Pack, meeting, war.

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