Twenty Four

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The day passes in a blur of questions and curiosity, no longer is anyone afraid but more reverent. Some even asked if titles are a term of respect, and when the answer was yes, they began to use the title to show us respect.

It was weird, I'll admit that, but it was nice too. Enzo tried getting them to use his titles, but it was funny when they denied him. I smile at that memory, walking into the house. Enzo looks up from his spot on the couch, grinning when his mate looks up as well.

"Enzo! You didn't ask if you could bring anyone over! No offense to you, you're welcome here anytime, but I wasn't expecting any guests today. Do you need anything to drink? Snacks?" I ask worriedly, already darting into the kitchen.

"I already made her something!" Enzo yells over at me, I scoff.

"That means it's either burnt or just disgusting!" I yell back, his mate laughs.

"Just a little of both!" She giggles, I grin in amusement and take out some of my birthday cake that was leftover. I quickly make a plate of crackers, meat, and cheese. I race over to her, handing her a plate of cake.

"Where's mine?" Enzo pouts, I shake my head.

"You can get it yourself, you royal pain in my-" Hazel walks in and I go quiet, Enzo laughs.

"Hey, Mom. This is Rainey, Rainey this is my Mom." Enzo smiles proudly, Rainey stands up and awkwardly bows her head like a wolf.

"I'm told you're some kind of Queen." She curtsies, Hazel laughs.

"No need to curtsy, sweetie. Just call me Hazel! And Jay, don't be rude to Enzo. He already knows he's a pain in the ass." Hazel grins as Enzo gawks with mock hurt.

"Luna, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Alpha requests your presence in the meeting room." One of the guards bows his head at me, I nod.

"Okay, thank you for telling me. I'll tell Ash to start mindlinking me, so he doesn't send someone to come find me." I roll my eyes, turning to Rainey I give her a quick hug.

"Enjoy the cake and annoy Enzo for me. I should be back within an hour. Just yell if you need anything." I smile at her, walking up the stairs to get to the meeting room. I hear yelling and shouting inside, so I quickly open the door to see my boys yelling at Ash for losing their parents. Ah, so it's a Luna job.

"Boys, hey, it's okay. We're right now finding them, and I have all of our best on it. Miles, hey, come here." I open my arms, he walks into them and holds me tight as he whines for his parents. I soothingly, rub his back. I gently give all of the boy's hugs, leading them downstairs and out of the meeting room as I calm them. I bring them into the living room, sitting them down despite the fact that Rainey and Enzo are in here.

Crouching down in front of them, I give them sad smiles. "I know. I'm so sorry that your parents are gone, but we're going to find them. I promise you, I will get them back safely and I will find Max." I shush them, Luca looks at me with anger in his eyes. But I knew it wasn't directed at me, but at Max.

"I will find him and tear him to shreds. If he hurt one hair on their heads, I'm going to make sure he begs for mercy." He spits with venom, I raise an eyebrow.

"That job has been given to Ash, sorry boys. But it's already taken, you can destroy his followers though." I shrug, Luca nods.

"Fine. I'm going to train." Luca stands abruptly, I sigh as I watch him walk off.

He always was a hothead when it came to his emotions. "Erik, I know you want to scream at me. Go ahead if it makes you feel better, I'll sit here and take it." I tell him kindly, he shakes his head.

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