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Ash's POV

I turn to Winter with a small glare, pulling Jay closer to me. "She won't die, Winter. I can promise you that. We haven't survived this long for her mark to kill her!" I growl dangerously, my Alpha tone challenging her as Adonis lashes his tail angrily in my mind.

"Well, how would I know? We thought you would keep her safe, but you didn't. We had to find out you marked her, the Elders are biting at our heels because you're our charge, we get called because her organs are failing and have failed multiple times the day before her birthday, and now you're the leaders of a Pack that's not the one you're supposed to take charge of in a few more years!" Winter exclaims, Solomon looks at his mate in shock as our Pack lowers their heads and Jay's eyes water.

"I marked her because she was going to die! You got called to come down because I knew she would want her family to be here if things took a bad turn, and we took on a Pack that love us and we love them just like you accepted your own Rogues that held the one who brought the government onto our case in the first place!" I counter, she takes a step forward with a snarl.

"Mom, you can't defend your Pack when you know it's the truth. You invited a traitor into your Pack, someone I called my Uncle, and he was the one who started all of this. We had to finish it." Jay chokes out, tears beginning to fall. Instantly, the Pack is at her defense. Snarling, and itching to fight.

"You exposed our race to the whole world, Jaiyana! We're fighting to find a solution to this problem! Human scientists are starting to get DNA done to see if you're a wolf or not and if you're a wolf you're instantly being questioned and losing your job if your boss isn't either accepting or a wolf as well." Winter accuses Jay, she bows her head in shame.

"Winter, you promised me you'd be slow about this and kind! You even agreed to wait until we know she isn't going to die!" Solomon yells in shock, Winter shakes her head.

"No, she needs to know what she's doing to the Wolf world. She's destroyed it! Bringing humans into our world that shouldn't be wolves and changing them! We raised her better than that!" Winter exclaims.

"You didn't raise me at all! Kiko did because you sent me away when I was ten, Mom. Ten! Aunt Khloe was like my mother, Uncle Cody was close enough to a father for me, and Kiko and Mark took care of me when you couldn't!" Jay yells, tears crawling down her face.

"I think it's time you go." I growl angrily, pulling Jay into my chest. She sobs against me, seeking my comfort which I willingly give to her. Winter huffs, walking out with her other kids trailing behind her with heads bowed with shame. One of the twins breaks away, racing to Jay and hugging her around her waist.

"I'm sorry, Jay. Happy birthday!" He grins, racing to catch up with his siblings. Solomon glances over at his mate, only to turn around and bring Jay into a hug.

"I know we made you leave, it was for your safety. Jay, we love you. Your mother is just acting up because she's high on her emotions, I'm really sorry. I owe my brother plenty for helping raise you, as well as Khloe and Kiko and Mark. We owe them everything that you are. You have become a beautiful woman, and we are so thankful that you are a perfect Luna for your Pack. I'll have her call you when she's calmed down." Solomon smiles sadly, kissing his daughter's head before walking out to join the rest of his family. Jay buries her head in my chest, crying quietly. I kiss the top of her head, holding her close.

"No offense, Luna, but your mother seems like a bitch." Jace tries to lighten the mood, Jay lets out a choked laugh.

"Just a little bit." She agrees, trying to salvage her birthday party. I let out a humorless chuckle, the sound sending chills down everyone's backs.

"If she does anything like that again, I swear to our Goddess that I'll start a war with her. I don't care that she's your mother or we're destined to take over that Pack, I will find her and start a war. I will keep going until she begs for mercy." I growl, pulling Jay closer to me protectively.

"Can we eat that cake I saw on the way in? Or is that just for decoration?" Jay once again turns the conversation to a different topic; a few women rush out and begin to pass out slices of cake to everyone.

"Alpha? Luna?" One of the women offers me a slice of cake, I shake my head.

"Yes, please! Thank you, Isabella." Jay smiles, gently taking the piece of cake from Isabella's hand. Isabella beams, walking away. I take the plate from Jay's hands, feeding her the marble cake. She smiles, relaxing as she pushes the events from just a few minutes ago out of her mind.

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