Twenty Three

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Jay's POV

I hold Ash's hand in fear as he slowly pulls me towards the school. If I missed any more days I might have to repeat the grade. "Jay, love, I made my schedule match yours in every way possible. I'm not leaving your side." He soothingly reminds me, I nod but I still don't want to go in there.

Enzo leans against his flashy car beside us, throwing his smoke onto the ground and stomping it out. "You'll be fine, sister. Trust me, I have first period with you and you're going to meet my mate! But besides that, I'll be by your side and I will protect you." Enzo promises.

I sigh, moving towards the front door along my family. They were going to have my back, I knew that, but I was afraid. What if Max comes to get me?

We walk into first period late, everyone staring at me in shock. Did they know? I bite my lip, heading towards my seat. Ash follows me, glaring down at the kid who sat next to me. "Move." Ash demands, they scramble out of their seat. We sit down, his hand on my knee to keep me from bouncing it.

"I see you're finally back. Mind telling us where you were?" Mr. Rivers demands, I flinch back and bow my head.

"Listen, it's none of your concern. Also, you're fired." A familiar voice laughs, I look up quickly to see Isabella of all people standing up for me. The Principal stands behind her, nodding.

"Rivers, you're out. Everyone, this is your new teacher." The principal walks away with Rivers demanding to know why he lost his job. Isabella smiles at me, winking as she goes to the board.

"My name is Ms. Bishop, I will be your new history teacher. Today we'll be just getting to know each other, so does anyone have any questions for me?" She smiles, sitting on her new desk as she gazes out at us.

"Yeah, are you single?" A guy calls out, she shakes her head.

"No, I'm not. I have a wonderful fiancé at home, well actually he's at work keeping the town safe." She brightens up, thinking about her mate. I giggle softly, relaxing at her presence.

"What does he do? Is he a cop?" The girl next to Enzo asks, Enzo chuckles as he gazes down at her. Aww, she's his mate.

"No, he's actually one of Jaiyana's guards." Isabella replies honestly, everyone glances back at me. I nervously bow my head, playing with Ash's fingers.

"So, he's a wolf?" Surprisingly, it sounded curious not disgusted or fearful.

"Yes, we both are." She smiles, looking at me and Ash proudly.

"What do you do in your Pack?" Another human asks, I furrow my eyebrows. When did they become curious and not hateful?

"Well, right now I'm a kitchen helper. Well, a maid in a way. But we're treated with the upmost respect, we have control over the kitchen. So, you don't want to anger us. We make your food." Isabella smiles, she stands and gestures to me.

"If you have questions about how Pack life works, why don't you ask Jaiyana and Alpha?" Isabella, looks at us. Ash chuckles.

"I forgot to ask you to call me Asher too, didn't I? Titles aren't worth it." Ash shrugs, slowly I nod and get up.

"What are your questions?" I raise my head high, forcing a smile onto my face.

"How do the dynamics of the Pack work? Like, titles and stuff?" Enzo's mate asks, leaning forward in her seat.

"Well, there's an Alpha and Luna." I write at the top of the board. "Then, it goes the Beta and Beta Female or male. We don't judge." I giggle at that, continuing down.

"After them, come the Pack doctors. They are the only ones who can order the Luna and Alpha about their health. In fact, Ash almost got in trouble with our Pack doctor for not obeying." I wink at Ash, he just shrugs with a small smile.

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