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Ash's POV

Holding her close, I bury my face into the top of her head. I haven't been able to sleep all night, and I knew why about an hour ago when I smelled her heat start. It worried me because she doesn't realize how weak she is.

I sigh, kissing her forehead tenderly. I had to leave before Adonis woke up, I didn't want to fight with him with her so close. Because if I lose...

I look over her, mesmerized by her beauty. Her cute button nose, the fading freckles that dotted over her face, her high cheekbones, defined jaw, her long eye lashes, and even though I miss her black hair, I like this new color on her. It... suited her.

I bite my lip, pulling away against the matebond and all my instincts yelling at me to stay, and slide out of bed. I grab some clothes, looking back one last time, and head out towards my office. I see a patrol group heading out for their patrol ahead of me. "Dylan!" I call, racing towards the group as they stop. Dylan turns around, furrowing his brows.

"Yes, Alpha?" He replies, tilting his head as his black hair falls in front of his eyes.

"Beta Jace is asleep, and since you're up I was wondering that once you got back from patrol, you four stand guard for Luna. I know you're all mated, so... no matter what don't let me get too close. And if anything happens to her, you let me know straight away. Keep her safe." I order, they submit under my gaze.

"Very well, Alpha. We'll hurry our patrol." He replies, turning and loping down the hall. I sigh, opening the door to my office, stepping in and laying down on the soft couch. And this was why I decorated my office the way I did. I have three days to fight, and I'm not sure if I'm going to make this one.

Somehow, I fell asleep, but once I woke up all I could hear from downstairs as Jay tries to oversee the breakfast and morning patrols is her letting out small whimpers of pain and gasping as each wave of her heat hits her.

How dare you leave her like this? We all just want to finish this, but you two! You know that with each heat, the closer she could get to dying. It's part of the mark, and if you don't finish it, I will. Adonis growls lowly in my head, pacing and whipping his tail from side to side harshly.

I ignore him, going back to looking over paperwork and answering emails. I hear her scream, my whole-body tensing. "Luna!" One of the women gasps, and I begin to hear pleading.

"Please! Let me up! Please!" She begs, pleading to come see me. But Dylan knew better than that.

"I'm sorry, Luna. Alpha already said no. I am sorry. Let's get you to the Pack doctors. Maybe they'll have something to help." She gets taken further away from me, and once I believe she's far enough away, I race downstairs to get some food.

The women in the kitchen gasp at the sight of me, no doubt seeing the gold in my eyes as Adonis lashes on about how I'm a horrible mate for leaving her in pain. I reach into the pantry, pulling out food that would last in my office.

"Please bring me food daily on time. If Luna seems weak and in pain, send her to her room or to the Pack doctors. When she's screaming and crying, and she won't stop, put her in an ice bath. It should help." I whisper, but they heard every word clearly. I spin on my heel, only now realizing that I wasn't wearing a shirt and they were probably staring at my scars.

I rush upstairs, entering my office and locking the door behind me. I shrug on a shirt, slumping into my desk chair and eating as I go over countless paperwork and send emails. A Luna's and Alpha's jobs were different. A Luna was the heart of every Pack, the most vital and loving part. She worked with the Pack on a day to day basis, getting to know them and settling arguments within the Pack. She was like a mother or sister to the Pack. She was just like them but was treated like a Queen. Truly what she deserves. Most Luna's were kind and welcoming and warm, but even some can be a bitch.

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