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I drive down the long driveway, reaching the road and driving straight to the elementary school and daycare. Pulling into the closest parking space, I jump out and start walking towards the school just as kids start running out and towards their parents or buses.

Parents glance at me fearfully, recognizing my face. I see my siblings race out of the doors, the little ones that were in daycare holding their hands. I crouch down, opening my arms with a huge smile. "JAY!" They screech, racing towards me and jumping on top of me. I giggle, holding on to them tightly as they all yell about their days and try to get my undivided attention. I gently push them away, picking up the youngest. She was about one, with the curliest hair I've ever seen.

"Alright, alright. One at a time, or no ice cream." I wink at them; they giggle and race to the car. I open the car door for them, helping them inside and getting buckled up. I close the door, taking little Lilly and strapping her into her seat.

Someone clears their throat from behind me, I turn with a bright smile until I see a police officer behind the lady. "May I help you, Officer?" I ask, worry entering my voice. I step in front of the open door, slowly sliding the door shut so my siblings couldn't witness this.

"You are the werewolf Jaiyana, am I correct?" The officer asks, his hand on his gun. I raise my hands peacefully, but I keep my head held high as I could sense other wolves nearby watching the situation.

"Yes, Officer. I am." I say without my voice wavering. He eyes me coldly, ready to fire the gun at any second.

"Why are you taking these children?" He asks, nodding to my siblings who were in the car. I glance back to see my siblings straining to look out the window at me.

"I promised I'd pick them up today since I'm going home in a couple of days. They are my younger siblings and I haven't seen them since I was ten. Well, actually Jon and Lizzie found me a few years back and begged for me to come back here but I couldn't at the time." I ramble nervously, I felt a few of my Packmates start running over. They sensed their Luna become nervous and scared, so they wanted to protect me.

"And how are we sure they are your siblings? Are they wolves too? Where are your wolf buddies?" He asks quickly, I raise my head high.

"I know my American rights. If you want to interrogate me unrightfully, you'd have to take me in. And even then, I can stay quiet and wait for a lawyer." I evade his questions, glancing over at my Packmates as they hurry towards me. In just a few more seconds, two of the higher-ranking warriors stand in front of me.

"Leave her alone, Officer. We can tell you now, they are her siblings. Let her visit her family." They growl in unison; I step forward slightly and rest my hands on their arms.

"Thank you. See, Officer. I have done no wrong. I just want to take my siblings out to ice cream and get to know them again. Jon was just a baby when I left, and Lizzie was only four. My other siblings, I haven't met until last week." I sigh, looking over at my siblings as I see them relax.

"Are you being hostile?" The Officer asks, looking at me and the warriors angrily. I look at him in shock.

"No, Officer! I swear!" I hold my hands up again as he trains his gun on me.

"Stand down, Ma'am!" He speaks harshly, Echo stirring in anger.

"I am, sir. I'm calm. Please don't shoot. We're in front of kids." My voice wavers in fear, he glances at the ground.

"On your knees!" He shouts, the warriors growl lowly.

"I..." I trail off, swallowing my pride as I slowly drop to my knees and put my hands behind my head. Tears prick my eyes, all the wolves in the area stare in shock as a Luna drops to her knees to someone other than her equal. Another officer joins, but this time I could smell he was a wolf and a part of my parents Pack.

"Stand up. Officer Dawson, you have no right doing this to a child." He growls, turning to me and helping me up. "I'm sorry, Luna." He whispers to me, too low for a human to hear. I nod, coughing as I try to dry my tears.

"Am I free to go?" I whisper, he nods and opens the door for me.

"Yes, ma'am. Enjoy the rest of your night." He smiles politely at me, shutting the door after I got in. Trembling, I buckle up shakily and drive away slowly. Pulling into a wolf owned diner, I help my siblings out of the car. I pick up Lilly, smiling at them and letting them run inside. I sigh, knowing that I would always be shunned in the world.

I follow my excited siblings into the diner, ignoring the stares I was receiving by the other wolves. I slide into a huge, family booth. One of the waitresses brings a chair for Lilly, helping me put her in.

"Do we know what we want?" She asks the kids, they all cheer.

"Ice cream!" They exclaim in unison, I laugh quietly. Still shaken up about what happened, I look up at the waitress.

"I'd like six ice creams, please. Um, three in bowls. And can you make one of the bowls small, like human kiddie cone small. I don't want to get little Lilly too hyper. And the other three on cones." I smile in thanks as she writes it down. A familiar body slides into the booth next to me.

"Make that three more cones." Luca pants, looking exhausted. He was Lizzie's mate, and when he found out let's just say he was both excited and conflicted and my parents almost killed him. Miles and Erik slide in next to my siblings, ruffling up their hair. They growl at them, Jon snapping his jaw at them.

"Hey! No biting or growling in the diner." I scold, they huff and look down.

"Yes, Jay." They mumble, I sigh and look at Luca.

"What's up? I thought you were going to explore the town." I ask, looking at them weirdly as our ice creams are set in front of us. Miles begins to help Lilly eat her ice cream for me since I was talking to Luca.

"We felt you feel like you were in danger, so we ran here as quickly as we could. Some warrior dudes or whatever caught us up to speed, so we came to join you to make sure you were okay." He sums it up, I nod.

"I'm fine, Luca. And so are the kids. It was just... scary." I sigh, yawning softly. I see him relax, his eyes glancing over at Lizzie as she slobbers all over her ice cream cone. I begin to eat mine, glancing around the diner to see most wolf eyes on me.

A brave soul stands up, striding towards me with her head held high. She stops in front of the table, staring down at me. "Is it true? Did you really kill the President? And expose our entire race to the world?" She asks indignantly, my siblings growl as they release their more dominant auras around them. I growl at my siblings.

"Enough." I snarl, they stand down. I turn to the lady, glancing over her. "I did expose us, and it wouldn't have been the first time I have. Just not to the whole world. And I didn't kill the president. McHanner was murdered by someone else." I say loudly, making sure I was heard around the room. Although my hands were trembling from nerves, I held myself high. One of the twins, Jack I think, put his hand over mine.

"We don't wanna speak wif you." Lane glares, looking at the lady. I nod at her, tilting my head slightly to intimidate her.

"Exactly. Leave." I smile at her, she scoffs and saunters away. I roll my eyes, finishing up my melting ice cream. I stand, walking over to the register to pay. I smile warmly at the lady behind the counter, handing her the debit card my father gave me. She glances at the name, her eyes widening before she bows her head.

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I didn't know such esteemed guests were in my diner! The ice cream is on the house." She bows low, I furrow my eyebrows.

"No, no. It's okay. I don't like titles, just call me Jaiyana. And please, let me pay for my ice cream." I smile warmly as she tries to hand me the debit card, I push it back towards her. She looks at me worriedly, letting me pay for myself.

I smile at her, leaving a huge tip in the tip box and grabbing my sibling's hands and pulling Lilly up into my arms. "Luca! Mind grabbing Lizzie's hand for me?" I ask, one arm holding up Lilly, a twin on each of my legs, and Jon holding onto my other hand. Luca chuckles, picking her up instead as I lead them out to the car. I strap Lilly in first to get her out of the way, before they file into the back of the car.

"Alright! Let's go home and have a huge bonfire with the Pack!" I hoot, my siblings laughing as I dance and sing horribly on purpose the whole way home. I'm glad I have siblings. 

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now