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Jay's POV

"Thank you, Rainey. Seriously. Are you sure your parents are fine with this?" I worry, she laughs and waves my concern off as she helps me pick up one of my suitcases and brings it inside her house.

"Definitely, Jaiyana. My parents are beyond excited to have a wolf in their care, especially you. They're very pro wolf, so when I asked them, they all but screamed in joy." She giggles, glancing back at me. "Be warned, I do have an older brother and my parents will ask you questions every night at dinner and bombard you with... everything." Rainey tosses me a smile, darting inside. I sigh, walking in after her and immediately being hit with the overwhelming scents of human.

I sneeze, rubbing my nose with a sigh. "What's wrong? Are you allergic to dogs and cats? I have a bunny in my room, I should have asked if you're allergic to anything." Rainey worries, I shake my head with a small smile.

"No, no. My nose is just very sensitive to human. Some humans have more... potent scents than others. In some cases, so bad that I sneeze. I'll be fine in a few days when I get used to it." I wave her concern off, following her up some stairs.

"That's interesting. Is that the same for vampires too?" Rainey questions, I hesitate.

"In a way. For them, we always hate their scent as they usually bring harm to our Pack's and any humans we may be guarding." I answer, Rainey brings me down a brightly lit hall and to the last door.

"This is my room." She says nervously, opening it. It was cluttered with all kinds of knickknacks, art, books, and other small little things that just made the room hers. The fiery red walls, the LED lights around her room, a cluttered desk full of papers and highlighters, a bed not even made but full of fluffy blankets and so many pillows. She had the dream teenage girl room. A normal one.

"It's beautiful!" I gasp, she smiles and sets my suitcases into her closet.

"Thank you." She blushes, bowing her head in embarrassment.

"You're welcome! So, are we sharing the bed or?" I tease, she brightens up and dive under her bed. She drags out a mattress, covered in clean sheets and already made.

"I always have this set up for any friends that come over to stay the night, but we usually do end up sharing the bed. So, it's up to you. I don't really mind." Rainey grins at me, I grin back.

"Perfect, seeing as I've hardly ever slept in a bed alone without Asher, I really don't want to sleep alone just yet. It's been years. Well, technically just a year since I have slept in a bed without him for three years it feels like, but I never liked it." My smile fades, she sighs and grabs my hand. She pushes me down on her bed, sitting down beside me.

"What happened, Jay? I know you don't really want to talk about it, but I can... sense that something is wrong." She pauses slightly, looking down at her lap and slowly looking up at me pleadingly.

"He... ever since I had him mark me I've ignored the signs of him changing. He used to be so kind and happy, but ever since he changed into a wolf and I became fully his just a week or two ago, he's become so possessive and controlling. Exactly what I've been wanting to avoid, Rainey. He, ugh! He had Enzo force me into submission for him, forced me to agree to his rules, forced me under his stupid Alpha Dominance." I burst out, sighing as I know I need to explain a bit more.

"A Luna's first instinct is to protect and care for her Pack, and when I heard that the human boys I changed into wolves as to better protect our race from becoming fully exposed lost their parents to Max and I got a phone call from the bastard, I wanted to race down and lay my life and freedom down just to get three sets of parents, of humans to go home free and safe. Asher made me go against my duty as Luna, my vow to the Moon Goddess which happened the second I became a full Luna for my Pack." I speak heatedly, my head bowing in pain as I feel not only the emptiness of my mate not being here but also my wolf gone.

"There's more. I can feel it. Go ahead and tell me everything Jay, let me help you." Rainey murmurs softly, gently grabbing my hand and rubbing soothing circle son the back of it.

"He began to act ever since I changed him, as if humans were below our race and he was better than them and perfect in every way. He's so arrogant and rude and cruel! Rainey, the way he spoke about the human parents, sickened me. He's just the same, he's human at heart,"

"He may have been raised into a wolf community, but that doesn't make him any better than any other human. I may have changed him, but that doesn't mean he can use his newfound power against them. I don't want a mate who is like that. I want my old Ash."

"The kind, forgiving, handsome, humble Asher McHanner. The guy who knew how I felt and only made me promise to be careful, who told me he loved me every day and would cuddle me to sleep and promise me that after a rainy day came a sunny day full of hope and happiness. I want my Ash. Not this coldhearted Alpha who wants to do as he pleases. Who could care less if a human he didn't know died because of us." I rant, tears falling down my face as my voice cracks.

"I... I'm sorry, Jay." She whispers, pulling me close. I cry against her for a few minutes more, before pulling away and pulling myself together.

"It's okay, Rainey. Why don't we go and catch a movie or something?" I sigh, she gazes at me softly.

"If that'll make you feel better, sure." She agrees, I give her a small smile and bounce out of her room. Maybe a movie will make me feel better.

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