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Jay's POV

I was fine, the doctors said it was just because I was still dehydrated from all the fever and stuff. Ash was still going to be overprotective though. That's why we're in the truck, driving to the school to make sure my day gets excused as well as for the rest of the week before we head to the meeting.

This meeting was with all the Elders, and every Pack within this country being there. It was sort of like a trial in a sense, but we weren't going to be accused of anything. It sounds weird, but I haven't exactly been to one or have heard of one happening on this big off a scale in over three hundred years.

We pull into the parking lot, school just getting out. "Stay in here, okay Love?" Ash asks worriedly, his hand on my exposed thigh. I nod, watching as he gets out. I wait until he's safe distance away before getting out, watching with jealousy as every girl here turns to stare at my man in his suit.

But I make heads turn too with my sleek red dress, I died my hair before we left back to black, and my makeup done flawlessly. The dress even had a slit up to about midthigh, letting my tan show. I lean against the truck, crossing my arms defiantly.

After about ten minutes, I hear a commotion inside. Ash and Alistair come barreling out, punching each other as the school begins to crowd around them. I scoff, storming over to them and pulling Ash off Alistair.

"What the hell, Ash? We have to get to a meeting, one that will decide if we get in trouble or not, and here you are punching some garbage!" I exclaim, he shrugs as he fixes his suit.

"He's making comments about how I can't take care of you." Ash growls, his eyes switching to gold and back to blue quickly. I sigh, turning to Alistair and offering him a hand. He takes it with a smirk, standing up.

"Drop the smirk, Alistair. I only helped you up, so I can do this." I growl, punching him in the nose. I feel the satisfying crush under my fist, his nose broken.

"That's for kissing me against my will at the start of the year! And this," I punch him in the gut, watching as he falls with a grin. "Is for making rude comments about me and Asher. He's a wonderful mate, who puts me first. And if you make another comment, I'm sure my entire Pack will be ready to defend me." I growl out, our guards and warriors revealing themselves.

I turn away, grabbing Ash's hand. "Don't forget we're the ones protecting this town from a war. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have bigger fish to fry." I call, forcing Ash in front of me as we walk back to the truck.

"Jay, you were supposed to stay in the truck!" He whines in front of everyone, I roll my eyes.

"Oh, suck it up, my man-child. We have a meeting to get to and you're starting fights." I push him into the passenger seat, rounding to the driver's seat besides his shouts that he's driving.

I drive out of the parking lot, gunning it to the meeting. The place was another four hours away, but the meeting starts in five, so we had nothing to worry about. We just have to sleep in the Pack house we're going to. The Royal Pack.

I turn on the music, singing softly as I tap my hands against the steering wheel to the beat. He huffs, pouting like a little child. I giggle softly, turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry, Ash." I giggle, he rolls his eyes.

"No, you're not. You always take the spotlight." He whines, I laugh and lean over to quickly kiss his cheek.

"That's because you don't have self-control." I wink, he pouts at that and broods while staring out the window. I just shake my head in disbelief, driving halfway there then we switch spots. He starts driving so I can take a small nap against the window, knowing that this meeting might carry on well into the night.

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