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I run down the stairs, dressed in clothes that I don't care about, in case they rip. Ash takes my hand, still grumpy about how I turned the shower's hot water to icy cold on him this morning. I giggle, leading him into the ballroom to see that it has been completely cleaned from the decorations and that the only people left were the actual Pack milling around chatting and laughing with a huge dining table, a few actually, around the room.

"Jay! Asher!" Hazel squeals, standing from her seat. I duck my head, walking over to her.

"Hello, Hazel. Ignore Mr. Grumpy over here, I'm ready to get some food and train before we head home." I wink, Ash rolls his eyes.

"I'm grumpy because you decided to prank me! You're such a child." He grumbles, I giggle.

"Well, it was just some cold water." I innocently bat my eyelashes up at him. He grumbles incoherently and sits down on Silas's left. I round the table, sitting on Hazel's right. I'm presented with a plate of French toast, eggs, strawberries and whipped cream on top of the French toast, with bacon on the side.

"I haven't had French toast in forever!" I gasp, digging in as I had already seen Hazel take a bite. I moan at how good it is, Hazel smirking proudly at her Pack's work. "This is wonderful! Thank you, Hazel for inviting us to breakfast. Right, Ash?" I prompt him, he nods.

"Mhm." He agrees, eating as if he hasn't eaten in days. I quirk an eyebrow at him and he slows down.

"Manners." I warn him, he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, Mrs. Luna." He teases, I giggle and finish eating. Hazel claps her hands, most of her pack done with their breakfast.

"Let's head out to the training courts if you want to train! Those of you who have patrol, go ahead and go. If you have a job or don't want to train, go do what you want!" Hazel calls, about half of the Pack gets up and exits the ballroom. I stand, looping my arm with Hazel's. She giggles, leading me outside ahead of our mates.

We round a corner, seeing a huge obstacle course and rolling lands of space filled with room to train and houses littering the land. "Woah." I whisper, she giggles and pulls me up to the front of her Pack where her mate somehow got around us with Asher by his side.

"Jumping jacks until I say stop!" Silas orders, we begin a long, grueling thirty minutes of straight up jumping jacks, down to three sit-ups, to a thirty second plank, and back up to jumping jacks again.

"Get into pairs!" Silas shouts, I launch myself at a nearby guy who looks lost.

"I'm Jay!" I speak kindly, he bows his head.

"Henry." He nods.

"One. Two. Three. Fight!" Silas yells, I punch Henry. He staggers to the side, not expecting my swift attack. We go at it quickly, exchanging and dodging blows. Soon, I see he's getting tired and we're one of the last pairs to keep going. I feint to the left but grab his right arm that swings towards me and flip him onto his back. He groans as I pin him to the ground, he submits to show I won. I grin, helping him up. Quickly realizing I accidentally broke his arm, I place my hands over his arm and heal it.

My power swirls inside him healing the damage I caused. But I find something. The guy has brain cancer. I furrow my eyebrows, a pounding headache beginning to start up as I try to heal him. I don't know how long I'm standing there before it's finally healed, I stagger backwards leaning against Ash.

"Jay, I swear to the Moon Goddess if you overdid it again I'm going to force you to lay in bed and never leave the fucking room again." Ash growls worriedly, I gasp in pain as the headache turns into a migraine.

"I healed him, it's fine." I wince, shaking off the feeling of nausea and opening my eyes.

"Ma'am, what did you do to me?" Henry asks, I offer him a small smile.

"I healed your arm. That's all." I lie, pushing away from Ash and finding a tree to lean on. "Carry on with training, I just need a break." I wave them off, leaning my head back. Ash sits next to me, pulling me onto his lap. I blush but lean back against him.

"Where did Jace go?" I ask Ash, he kisses my cheek.

"He went home. We'll be leaving here shortly too. I talked to Silas about it, and he made me promise to bring you back up again for a proper day or two to get to know each other and for you to meet their kids." Ash smiles against the skin of my neck, pressing a kiss to my mark. I gasp, leaning further into him. He chuckles, standing and pulling me up.

"We're heading out, guys. We'll see you in a couple of weeks." Ash chuckles, leading me away. I wave at Hazel and Silas, grinning as I'm pulled by my mate around the corner and out of sight. Once we reach the truck, he pushes me against the side.

"Now tell me what you really did to Henry?" He demands, I look down.

"I healed him. He had brain cancer, so I helped him out." I mumble, he tilts my chin up.

"Never do that again, Jay. I know you want to help everyone, but you can't just do that! You could die, and we're already in a tough position with the whole mark thing and the fact that we now only have until your next heat to finish the process." He growls, I nod.

"I'm sorry, but he was so nice, and I couldn't stand the thought of him dying just like I can't stand the thought of anyone dying so I... I healed him." I say as tears come to my eyes. He kisses me softly, sighing against me.

"Love, it's okay. You're okay, so that's all that matters." He whispers, helping me up into the truck. Within minutes we begin the long trip home. He keeps a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb across my skin as I fall asleep against the window.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now