Forty Five

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I sighed softly in relief as school ended for the summer, a smile tugging at my lips as a familiar arm is thrown over my shoulders and eliciting sparks to flow through my body at the touch.

"Ash." I giggle, leaning up to peck his cheek. Pouting, he stops me to pull me into a real kiss. Pulling away breathless, he chuckles as his blue eyes look into mine. He had scruff on his face seeing as he hasn't shaved in a couple weeks. He had filled out since the beginning of high school, buffer and taller than before but he was still my soft Mr. Alpha.

"I love you." Ash whispers, I smile up at him. It seemed like it was only yesterday we defeated Max, but it has almost been two years since.

"I know." I reply cheekily, he rolls his eyes as I pull away and turn around. He swats my butt softly, but hard enough to make me squeal as I exit the doors of the school and step into the sunshine. "Race you home!" I yell, throwing my backpack at him and shifting as I run towards the parking lot.

I hear him swear behind me, running towards his truck to try to beat me home. I howl with joy, stretching my legs and racing past gasping and laughing humans and Pack members as I jump over the fence that lined the other side of the road from the school and speed into the forest.

The greenery blurs as all I focus on is making it home before Ash. Racing into the Pack house, I shift in the coat closet and quickly put on some extra clothes I leave for me there. Entering the kitchen, I grab an apple and eat it calmly as I wait for Ash to get home.

When I hear the door open, I get ready to gloat about me winning the race but instead the three familiar boys I love walk through the kitchen doorway. Miles, Luca, and Erik.

"Boys!" I cheer, they left my Pack a few years back to move back to their hometown where they found a welcoming enough Pack to take them in nearby there. Thankfully, we were allies with them.

"Hey, Jay!" Miles chuckles, pulling me into a tight hug. Hugging each of them tightly, I hear the door slam open once again.

"Jay! You cheated!" Ash growls, stalking into the kitchen and grabbing my hips, pushing me against the island. I just giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing the tip of his nose.

"I think it's all in your head, Mr. Alpha." I tease, his eyes darken as a smirk danced on his lips.

"Is that so?" He chuckles, I just grin cheekily at him as I twist out of his arms.

"Anyway, boys, what are you doing here?" I smile warmly, happy that they were here to visit. They nervously shift on their feet, staring at the floor.

"Well, your parents called us and said they were going to be here today. Well, I wanted to see my Lizzie." Luca smiles sadly at the thought of his mate. My eyes widen in surprise, I didn't know my parents were coming today. Or at all. We haven't really talked much except for holidays and birthdays.

"What?" I screech, rushing to pull my phone out of Ash's pocket. That's when I heard a knock on our door and then my family enters the kitchen, my siblings no where in sight though. Just my parents. I stare at them in shock as they observe the home I made.

"We need to talk." Mom breaks the silence, sweeping her rich brown hair over her shoulder and tiredness hung heavy in her eyes.

"What is it?" I worry, eyeing my parents for any clue as to what they were going to say. They exchange a long look, stepping closer to Ash and me.

"You can't lead two Packs and attend all the Royal events. It'll be too much. You have to choose." Mom demands, I stiffen in surprise.

"Choose. BrokenCrown Pack or MoonLilly?"


And thats the end! The third book will be out eventually, but it will take some time. I hope you enjoyed the series so far!



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