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I race downstairs, looking for those brats. "LANE! JACK! GET OVER HERE NOW!" I scream, racing into the kitchen to see them grinning at the kitchen table. Some Packmates were inside, and they burst into laughter at the sight of me.

The idiotic brats decided to put hair dye in my shampoo, then disguised the smell with essential oils and stuff like that. It was a purple-blue color, but also like a dark blue. I marched towards the twins, ready to murder them. Arms wrapped around my middle, pulling me back.

"Now, Jay. You should realize, they take after you. You did the same thing to your mother." Dad chided me, I growled loudly.

"But I chose a pretty, natural, color. Not some fucking dark blue with purple in it! What did they do, mix two different kinds of dye together!" I exclaim, Dad laughed.

"It looks good on you! Just think, in a few more months you'll have your natural hair back." He consoled me, I huffed with a tiny growl as he sets me down.

"Mark my words, boys! I'm going to get you back for this! I'm the Queen of pranks." I snarl threateningly, turning on my heel and racing back upstairs. Their peals of laughter follow me upstairs, I throw open my bedroom door and look at myself once again in the mirror.

My hair was already drying because of my body heat, acting almost like a blow dryer would have done so. My natural curls bounce, retaining the curl well. I begin to braid my hair over the crown of my head and into a cute, messy style bun.

It wasn't horrible, but I wouldn't let anyone else know I thought that. I storm downstairs, ignoring the boy's reaction to my new hairstyle and the twin's snickering.

"Don't. Say. A word." I snarl, heading to the phone because I wanted to hear Ash's voice for real instead of just his mind's voice. The phone rings for a long time before an unfamiliar voice answers.

"BrokenCrown Pack, how may I help you today?" A guy's whispery voice cuts through the line.

"Um, hello. It's Jaiyana, I kind of want to talk to my mate." I answer awkwardly, instantly he clears his throat.

"Of course, Luna. I'll send you over to him now. He's in the middle of a meeting, but I'm sure he'd love to speak to you." He replies, before I can answer I already hear the hold music playing. I furrow my eyebrows, then I hear Ash's voice.

"Hold on, guys. Give me just a moment." His voice is quiet, a background voice until he finally speaks into the phone. "Yes?" He asks, voice of authority. I laugh softly, leaning back against the couch.

"Ash, you sound so Alpha like. A meeting?" I tease, he chuckles.

"Well, yeah. I have to take care of the Pack by getting allies." He retorts, I sigh.

"Ash, come help me murder my brothers. They put dye in my shampoo! It's purple and blue!" I exclaim, the twins gawking at me in terror. I smirk, sticking my tongue out at them. Ash bursts into laughter.

"Is... is it permanent?" He gasps out, I pout.

"Yeah." I mumble, he laughs even louder.

"I mean think about it! You pranked everyone when you were young like that!" He sticks up for them! I gawk, huffing.

"No! Well, yes, but no! Come help me murder my siblings because they aren't very nice." I huff, he chuckles.

"I'm in the middle of a meeting, Jay. I'm sure you can deal with a couple of four-year olds by yourself."

"Alright, I'll tell them you're coming!" I giggle, hanging up on him. I turn to the twins, grinning. "You two better hide, or he'll come get you!" I laugh, chasing them. They squeal, running away and out the door. I laugh, grabbing the rest of their bacon and shoving it in my mouth unladylike. Mom smacks me on the head.

"Manners!" She scolds, I wink at her and race out the door like I used to when I was ten.

"Make me, Your most wonderful Luna!" I call, she growls.

"Oh, you little cheeky-" She's cut off with the door being slammed closed as I chase after my siblings. They squeal as I chase them, screaming for me to stop. I jump towards them, shifting midair and growling playfully at them as I roll to a stop in front of them. They scream, racing away. I pounce after them, grateful to see my black fur still normal.

I chase after them, playing with them until Mom calls them since it was time for school. I follow them home, shifting back in the bathroom and pulling on some new clothes.

"Guys, it's been wonderful being back and getting to know my awesome siblings. Besides you, Lane, and Jack. You guys are rude. But I really need to get back. I sort of ran straight here once I woke up from my three-week coma, and Echo told me she finished healing us last night so I'm ready to go, and I have responsibilities I need to take care of as Luna. I also need to get back to school, and hunt down my vampire friend's Pack, and train her cousin to only drink animal blood, and try to clear my name." I rant, looking at them worriedly.

Mom pulls me into a hug. "We know, sweetie. Go ahead. Please, take one of the debit cards for your travel." Mom smiles, tears gathering in her eyes. I kiss both her cheeks, hugging her tight.

"Mom, I promise I'll be back for Christmas." I smile, she shakes her head.

"You should spend the year with your Pack. Reassure them that their Luna isn't going anywhere. We'll come visit you when we can." Dad steps up, setting his hand on my shoulder.

"You're not our little girl anymore, you've grown up beyond your age and it's time you were treated it. Don't be afraid to call or mindlink us. We're not far away, never far away. Please, don't stay away for long." Dad whispers, pulling me into his chest. And that's when I knew, that no matter how much they missed me, they knew I wanted and needed my mate and other Pack too. They were letting me go. No matter how much it pained them, they wanted me to live my life.

I turn to my siblings, hugging them one by one. "I love all of you. Oh, and boys. I like the hair." I wink at my twin brothers, they grin and hug me around the waist. I kiss the top of their heads before nodding to Miles, Luca, and Erik.

"Ready to head out? Luca, I know you don't want to go but I can't give some excuse to your parents. Not again. Blade, Sam! Come back when you're ready, okay? Or you can stay here, too. Whatever you want." I call, Blade and Sam zoom down.

"We're coming with you, Jay. Just give us a couple more days to hang out with our families, and maybe interrogate Max's." Blade says, saluting me. I giggle, hugging the both of them.

"Alright, I'll see you soon then." I agree, my guards standing up to join me. Mom races out of the room, coming back in seconds and handing us a couple bags.

"Some clothes and food. There's some cash in there in case you don't want to use anything that will come back to us." She smiles hesitantly, fear and sadness hidden in her eyes.

"Mom, I'll be back before you know it." I smile, turning and walking away with my guards in tow. I wave at the Pack as I walk by, heading to the forest. They howl, saying goodbye as I lope behind a cluster of trees and take my clothes off. Shifting quickly, I gently grab my clothes and set them inside the backpack. I zip it up with my teeth, picking up the bag and beginning to run. They join me, running beside me.

Time to go home. Time to be with my mate. 

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now