Thirty Six

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I pound down the stairs, grinning excitedly as I begin to prepare a breakfast for those who decided to stay for the Pack Christmas morning. Not a lot did, seeing as they wanted to spend time with their families, but I had my family to prepare for, and in a few hours, Ash's and my parents will be coming along with my grandparents and like my entire family.

I rush to cook the three packages of bacon and two cartons of eggs and call it good. The Christmas feast will keep us full later. Starting up the pots of coffee, people begin to wander down with yawns and taking the plates I already made up and heading into the living room to eat.

Bouncing into the living room, I count everyone to make sure we're all here. Doublechecking once again, I plop down onto Ash's lap with a squeal. "Just a few more minutes than our parents will be here!" I sing, barely able to hold still. Ash grips my waist, growling softly.

"Stop moving, Jay." He warns, I blush a deep crimson just as there's two knocks on the door. Bolting to my feet, I race to the door and throw it open. Instantly I'm attacked with monster hugs from Ash's parents.

"We missed you so much, Jay! Now, where's my son?" Ana kisses my cheek, rushing into the living room and beginning to embarrass Asher in front of our Pack. Giggling, I watch as Ash whines at his parents to stop making him look weak.

Just before I get to sit down, my parents and my siblings burst through the door not even bothering to knock and tossing a bunch of presents down just like Ana and Jerry did.

I'm tackled by my siblings and nephews, landing on the ground I laugh as they all yammer for my attention. "Enough you monsters!" I giggle, pushing them off me gently and standing. "Let's get to the presents!"

Everyone laughs, the kids passing out the presents and immediately diving into the presents. Leaning against Ash, I enjoy watching my family and Pack open their Christmas presents and I love watching their joyful smiles grow with each present.

Each of my siblings got a toy that they've been wanting for a while now and I spoiled each and every one of the kids with tons of candy and toys that they wanted or stuff I felt they'd like.

Slowly one by one, we finally reached Ash's gift from me. I bounce in my seat, a wide smile on my face as he opens up my present. It was a box filled with a couple games he's been wanting, a few portable massage machines since he is a football player, and I got him a few more things I noticed he's been eyeing. Like a new phone case and a few werewolf style backpacks so then we can wear it on our shoulders if we've shifted.

"Thank you, my love. I love your presents very much." He grins, running a hand through his brown hair and a twinkle of joy in his blue eyes. He stands, crossing the room to grab my presents from the pile and set them before me.

I start with my Pack, they got me a personal all-expenses paid spa day. Smiling, I mindlink every single Pack member and thank them in an instant before moving onto my three sets of parents. Ash's parents, mine, and my Family Bond parents.

Each and every one of them got me all kinds of things that I've been wanting. Books, jewelry, a couple of dresses, a new laptop, Bluetooth earbuds, and a few pairs of shoes I've been eyeing. Ash must have told them.

The boys got together to buy me a bike jacket, bike gloves, a jean jacket, and a few other things to let me enjoy my more 'masculine' side as Autumn put it thousands of times during school.

Autumn and Ember got me a few lingerie sets, although I didn't open those in front of my Pack and family. I already knew that last night and they were in my room, hidden away for the moment.

Ash stands, grabbing my last present out of my hands and helping me stand to my feet. "Jaiyana Snow Ranger, you are the best soulmate I could have ever asked for. Through our ups and downs, from going into hiding and knowing everything from a young age and sacrificing many things, we have never lost faith in one another." Ash smiles, slowly getting to his knees. Not on one knee, but both of them as he fully submits to me. His Luna. His mate. His love.

"So, Jaiyana, I promise to never leave your side. To always love you, through tough and good times. To make you proud, to cherish you, to love you, to protect you, and to make you smile as much as I can. I promise to give you everything you deserve. And I promise to marry you one day according to human customs as well." He takes the small velvet box and pops it open. Laying in the black velvet is a silver ring, not an engagement ring, but a promise ring.

It was a simple band with a few small diamonds on it but engraved on it was 'His Beauty'. Not realizing that my hand was gently cupping my throat until I gasped, "It's beautiful Ash."

He chuckled, showing me his hand. On his middle finger was a matching ring that said, 'Her Beast'.

"I accept." I whisper as he slides the ring overmy middle finger as he stands, kissing me softly as everyone erupts into cheersand the little kids giggle and scream that us kissing is disgusting.

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