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I giggle with the Luna's all of them enamored by me and complimenting me on my dress and gawking at my mark. I feel a powerful presence at my back, I shiver as the Luna's in front of me bow. "Your Majesty." They murmur, I quickly turn and bow as well.

"Please stand! I'm not that serious." The Royal Luna laughs, waving off the formalities. Slowly, we all stand back up.

"Now, Jaiyana, I am curious about one thing. How is it that you can turn humans into wolves?" She asks me, looking like a goddess with her purple eyes and bronze hair.

"Well, you know that legend where if you meet your mate when you're a baby and you're a Luna or Alpha and they're human, you get powers to further protect your Pack? That's what happened for me. I can change humans into wolves, heal people, read minds, and my wolf is stronger and faster than a normal Alpha and Luna wolf. I think that's it, but uh, I forget things easily." I shrug, she nods in fascination.

"I'm Hazel, by the way." She offers me a hug, I bite my lip in thought. Slowly, I hug her. She grins as she bounces back, looking at me with an emotion I couldn't understand.

Family Bond, Jay. We have a Family Bond with her. Echo sighs as if I was stupid, my eyes widen in shock as I look at her.

"What?" I gasp, not realizing I said it out loud. Blushing, I look down at the ground.

"I'm assuming your wolf told you." She giggles, I nod. "Come with me! I want you to meet my mate, Silas!" Hazel laughs, pulling me up to her mate eagerly.

"Silas! Meet, Jay! Is it alright if we call you that, darling?" She looks back at me, I nod with a blush.

"It's very nice to meet you, Jay. We have a Family Bond, so whatever you call us is fine. We're family, you can assign us a role if you'd like but we're happy to just be Hazel and Silas to you." Silas greets warmly, still blushing I look down at the ground.

"We got a shy one." Hazel giggles, I shrug. Familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind, a kiss presses against my cheek.

"Love, you okay there?" Ash asks softly, I nod.

"Yep, just feel dumb." I blush, Hazel makes me look up at her.

"You're not dumb, Jay. You're really bright! Your wolf, Echo I believe is her name, just seemed to have forgot to tell you." Hazel shrugs, I nod.

"You're right." I agree, someone calls my name from down below in the crowd.

"Jay! Jay, honey!" Mom calls, hurrying over to the bottom of the platform. "Jay, can we please talk?" She begs, I shake my head.

"No." I speak shortly, looking away from her. Ash tenses from behind me, hiding his face in my neck as he breathes deeply to calm himself with my scent.

"Jay, who is she?" Silas asks, Mom looks up at them in disbelief.

"I'm her mother." Mom says quickly, Dad appears behind her.

"Winter, come on. She doesn't want to talk to you for good reason. You need to earn her forgiveness, not just ask for it." Dad sighs, gently grabbing her and trying to pull her away.

"No, I'm going to apologize. What I said was awful and I need to do this." Mom pleads with Dad. I close my eyes, bowing my head.

"Mom, just stop. I don't want to talk to you! You shamed my Pack, you shamed my mate and said I might die on my birthday! Yesterday, all I wanted was to have a happy birthday party and ignore that I have a huge problem on the horizon. I get that I'm supposed to take over your Pack in a few more years, but maybe now I don't want to. Every time I call someone my family from your Pack, they betray me. First, it was Keaton. The guy you accepted into your Pack because Kylee asked you too. Then it was Max! He sided with Keaton and threatened to..." I pause, unable to finish the sentence.

"Maybe I'm done with your Pack, Mom. And then you decided to say you didn't raise me to be like this, well guess what Mom? You didn't raise me! You kicked me out of my Pack when I was ten! I had to be a Luna at a very young age, I was told my fate before I was even thirteen, and I went along with it. But maybe you should just give it to my sister or brothers." I snarl, the ball grows quiet. Silas steps forward, pulling me behind him.

"Please leave, or we'll have you escorted out." Silas growls with authority.

"Who gave you the right to interfere with a Mother and daughter talk!" Mom huffs, Silas glowers down at her.

"Since my wife and I have a Family Bond with her. Now, go. Before we make you." Silas snarls, Dad once again drags Mom away from me.

"Seriously, Jay. I'm sorry for her behavior. I don't understand what's wrong with her! Winter, we talked last night, and you made more promises that you can't seem to keep. Our daughter might die because of her mark that saved her once before because of our actions. She has every right to disown us as her family, and if she wants to do that, she can." Dad exclaims, fed up with Mom doing this.

"I just wanted to apologize for that night! Her sixteenth birthday and I messed it up!" Mom breaks down crying, but Dad just sighs and keeps pulling her away from me.

I turn away from her, unable to watch her cry as she's taken from me. "Shh, love. I'm here. She'll realize soon enough." Ash mumbles into my hair, holding me tight. I nod, leaning into him with a sigh.

"I just wish she would stop causing scenes." I mutter, Hazel gently pats my shoulder.

"It's okay, Darling. As long as we're here, we will help Ash keep you from harm's way." She smiles, Silas nodding in agreement. I smile softly at them.

"Thank you. Um, may I be excused? I'd like to eat some dinner and then head up to our room. It was lovely meeting you two, but I think I'm ready to turn in for the night." I whisper, they nod.

"Of course, sweetie! But please, join us for breakfast tomorrow morning and training! Our Pack would love to train with you!" Hazel exclaims, Ash nods for me.

"We will, thank you Hazel. Goodnight." Ash leads me off the platform and over to our table. I silently eat, drinking mine and Ash's glasses of water. One of the Royal Pack wolves leads us up a couple flights of stairs and into a huge guest bedroom. I smile at her, thanking her before undressing and falling into bed in a huge shirt of Ash's. Finally, some peaceful rest without mothers who cause scenes.

Ash chuckles at my thoughts, laying down next to me and pulling me close. "Sleep well, Love. I love you." He kisses my temple, I nod and burrow deeper into his arms.

"I love you too." I sigh, falling into the oblivion known as sleep.

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