Forty One

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Stepping into the Royal Pack's home, I saw Luna's and Alpha's all celebrating and dancing for the night of our Goddess. My dress was as spectacular as ever, even better with Ash next to me.

As soon as I'm in the ballroom, I'm swept away by the Luna's. I giggle as Ash stares after us, dumbfounded. I just wink back at him, swaying my hips teasingly before I disappear in the crowds of Luna's.

Questions thrown left and right, all asking about how I managed to survive without my Pack, how I ran, how it went down with the government, literally my entire life. I answered the ones I was comfortable with, before I snuck away and ducked into one of the pristine hallways and hid from the party.

Sighing, I slump to the floor. Leaning my head in my hands, I untense my shoulders. "Miss. Luna?" A little voice asks tentatively, quickly looking up I'm met with the most adorable little girl.

Brown ringlets around her shoulders, eyes of copper staring at me in fascination. So tiny, was she, that she barely would reach my waist. "Yes, pup?"

"Do yous need helps? I saw yous leave, and you looked sad." She took a slow step forward, wary of me. Smiling softly at her, I shake my head.

"I'm okay, little one. Why don't you help me get back to the party, hm?" I stand lithely, holding my hand out for her which she takes and within seconds I'm back in the ballroom.

A Luna runs towards me, anger and fear and relief in her eyes when she sees the girl next to me. "Riley! You can't just leave like that!" She gasps, falling to her knees in front of us and holding onto the girl tightly.

She looks up at me, fear in her eyes and anger. Anger directed towards me. "Did you take her? Don't you dare look or touch my child ever again!" She screams, gathering the attention of the wolves around us and slowly everything halts as she glares at me and pulls her kid behind her.

"No no! I could never! I swear!" I gasp, taking a step back as she snarls angrily and her wolf begins to take over her human body.

"Mama, please!" The little girl whimpers, but no one pays attention to her.

"You! You're that horrible Jaiyana girl aren't you? You exposed our race! There are wolf hunters now! So much more than there ever used to be. They killed my mate!" She roars, her copper eyes turning a piercing blue. Tears blur my vision as I take another step back, afraid of this angry mother as she grieved for her mate.

"I... I'm sorry, ma'am." I whisper, bowing my head in shame as tears crawled down my face. It was obvious who I was, my mark standing out proudly on my collarbone and my shoulders were exposed and the tattoo I was given from the Moon Goddess was distinct against my fair skin.

"You should've been killed for your crimes." And that's the sentence that makes not only the Royal Pack and the family rise to my rescue faster but made my Ash step in front of me with a snarl.

I take another step back, prepared to make a run for it but Hazel stepped forward and placed a calming hand on the Luna's shoulder. "We have already discussed her crimes and she was given a full pardon because of the circumstances, but it is not her fault how the world reacted to us. Let's all just calm down." Hazel smiles softly at us all.

Slowly, the Luna nods. "Yes, your Majesty."

"Now, Luna Jaiyana did you take Riley away from the party?" Hazel turns on me, I quickly shake my head as I rush past Ash.

"Of course not! I left to take a breather, get away for just a moment, and Riley followed me and asked if I was okay." I rush out, Riley nods as she looks up at her mother.

"Miss. Jay is tellin the truth, Mama. She looked sads." Riley whispers, her mother relaxes.

"I'm sorry, Luna. For making a big scene, I was just terrified." The Luna looks at me shamefully. Slowly, I take a step forward.

"I truly understand, it's taken me a long time to convince the humans in my town to trust us. To trust me. I can only imagine how much harder it is for you wolves to trust me after everything that happened. I was gone from the wolf community for five years, and I still don't know how to act like a true wolf or fit in here after a year of trying. But I promise, I will try." I sympathetically lay a hand on the Luna in front of me, everyone holding their breath as she tenses and looks down at my hand before looking back up at me.

"I'm sorry for what has happened, it was not my intention." With that, it's time for dinner.

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