Thirty Four

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Jay's POV

I flop onto the Ellison's couch. It's Christmas Eve and I planned to give them my presents tonight because I was going to go home tonight in time for the Christmas Eve banquet.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ellison?" I grab their attention from the television softly, they pause the movie and turn to me. The whole family looking at me; I wasn't the only guest anymore but instead the house was filled with guests.

"Yes, Jaiyana?" Mrs. Ellison smiles warmly, I sit up and rush over to the tree.

"I have some gifts for you guys since you so generously opened up your home for me. Um, Asher helped me pick them out. I wanted to give them to you now because I plan on going back tonight. I promised my Pack that I'd be there for the feast and as their leader, I need to keep my promises." I bite my lip in worry and guilt, handing out the presents and sitting on the floor in front of them in excitement.

Bouncing on my knees, I watch as they open their presents. Rainey gasps, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Jay!" She squeals, looking down at her new Bluetooth earbuds that were completely waterproof.

"You're welcome." I watch as they all gasp at their gifts and thank me. Rainey's brother got a football signed by a professional player from his favorite team, thank god we had connections in the wolf community now. Mr. and Mrs. Ellison got an all-expenses paid date night.

A sharp knock on the door interrupts the chatting family, I unsteadily stand as Mrs. Ellison heads to the door. I peer around the corner, sighing as I see Enzo, his parents, and two guys who look like younger versions of my family bond parents.

Enzo brightens, his eyes finding mine before he holds his hand out to Mrs. Ellison. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Ellison! I'm... friends with Jaiyana and Rainey, and this is my family. We were just here to drop off some presents for you guys and hopefully take Jaiyana back home." Enzo sweet talks her, somehow getting her to let them come inside.

"Jay! Finally, I haven't been able to see you since that night. How are you, darling?" Silas pulls me into a hug, I cringe away slightly as I smell Asher on his shirt.

"We've been staying at your house if you don't mind." Hazel worries, I shake my head.

"Not at all, Hazel." I flash them a small smile, subconsciously rubbing my mark that proved me to belong to Ash just as much as he belongs to me. I turn to the human family, seeing Rainey trying to dodge Enzo but he quickly catches up to her and crushes her into a warm hug. I smile softly at that, they make such a cute mate couple.

"Mrs. Ellison, these are my... family in a way. They are the Royal leaders of all wolves, but trust me, they are really nice." I speak warmly, trying to keep the humans at peace.

Mrs. Ellison's eyes widen before she does a half bow-half curtsy thing and rushes to apologize for any inconvenience the snow on the ground and the icy roads have caused them and everything else.

"Mrs. Ellison! Seriously, just treat us like you would any other normal person. I'm Hazel and this is my husband Silas. Enzo over there is one of my sons, and these two are my other sons. Kace and Axel. Boys, this is Jaiyana and her friends she's staying with for a bit." Hazel grins brightly, rocking on her heels in excitement as she points out her two sons.

The one on the right of her, Axel, had dark hair and violet eyes like his mother. Just looking at him, in his leather jacket and edgy outfit, I knew he would be considered the popular bad-boy at any school. His unkempt hair flopped over his forehead, wet and covering part of his eye. Axel shakes his hair out, getting snow and water everywhere.

"Axel Grey Peterson! Apologize right now! We are not animals, young man." Hazel scolds, I giggle at his sad-puppy face.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Ellison. I'll clean it up." Axel pouts, seeing me giggle at him getting in trouble. I glance at Kace, seeing his lips twitch upwards in a smile. He had hazel eyes and blonde hair, must be a heartbreaker with that mischievous glint in his eye.

I hug the two boys impulsively, grinning up at them seeing as they were taller than me.

"So, you're the Luna with powers?" Kace grins at me, I nod with a small sigh.

"Yep. I've talked to the Moon Goddess a couple of times, and I think Asher has too. Just once when he rescued me I think." I smile up at Kace, he chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"How old are you, Jay?" Axel asks as he appears out of nowhere with a couple of towels to clean up his mess.

"Sixteen. You?" They exchange surprised glances.

"I'm fifteen and he's seventeen." Kace explains, I pout and cross my arms at that. They are so damn tall! Silas chuckles at my expression, humor dancing in his eyes.

"So, you ready to go home sis?" Enzo grins brightly, seeming more relaxed since he has finally seen his mate since before winter break. Glancing back at Rainey, she nods encouragingly at me. She knew more than anyone how much I wanted to go home, I have already forgiven him, but I wanted to make him want me even more. He doesn't know it yet, but his Christmas present is me coming home for good.

"I guess so, yeah. Rainey, mind helping me pack really quick?" I ask softly, Rainey nods and bounds up her stairs with me on her heel. Fifteen minutes later, I was walking out the door and into the Royal's Cadillac. Axel helps me up into the ginormous car, shutting the door behind us as we get comfortable.

"So, I heard you and Alpha Asher has had a few problems." Kace chuckles, Silas turns around from the front seat and smacks his son's knee.

"Manners, Kace. Don't make me come back there." Silas warns, turning back to the road. I laugh softly, leaning back into my seat. I wonder how Ash is going to react when I come home.

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