Twenty One

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Ash's POV

Ever since she showed us what was around her with every sense, we had a better idea of where she could be. She wasn't in Canada, and the trees we caught a glimpse of were red trees. So, we knew she was in California, and conveniently we knew the places that did have rain recently.

But by how it smelled, it rained within the past couple of hours and it had to have rained a bit before that day too. The sky showed was the sunset, so that helped with narrowing down time zones in case he brought her to Montana or something.

"So, we know she's in California, and there were only two towns that had rain. She has to be deep in the forest somewhere, she isn't anywhere close to a town because Max knows better than that. He knows that when you're in hiding, he shouldn't be near a town of humans. He could get caught." I say, slamming my hand down on the table in the meeting room.

The other Alpha's and Luna's nodded in agreement, Jace sets a map down in front of us. "In my days as a Rogue, I've passed through California many times. Those specific trees would be in the Redwood forest. Thinking like a Rogue, I would say she's anywhere between Prairie Creek and Grizzly Creek. Any further past Grizzly, they'll be surrounded by people and too many state parks to hide in. But any closer than Prairie, they'll be too close to the state border." Jace says, I nod.

"Perfect, with that narrowed down we could find her by tomorrow night. There are six state parks including those two in that margin, so I think we split up as Packs but one or two from each Pack is put in every Pack, so we have better communication." I suggest, Silas nods.

"I agree, Enzo will go with you Asher. I know you two don't like each other, but I know you'll get along eventually." Silas chuckles, I shrug.

"At this point, I don't care. I just want my mate back." I sigh, leaning my head in my hands.

"We all know this, Asher. Don't give up hope, that girl is a fighter." Eve encourages me, I shake my head with a tired chuckle.

"More than you know."

We separate, gathering our Pack's and doing the exchange of packmates. Then, I lead the way alongside the Royal Pack to California. We had a long night ahead of us, but if we don't stop, we'll make it by dawn.

I stay quiet the entire run, not even feeling exhaustion when we cross the border around midnight. Finally, having entered California, I push myself with renewed strength. We fan out, instantly looking for Jaiyana. We search for any traces of her, but oddly, there weren't even a scent of Rogues anywhere.

I snarl, raising my head up to the moon.

Where is she? Huh? You're the Moon Goddess!

You're supposed to protect us, protect her! And here we are, my mate at risk because you had us meet too soon! This all started because of your will! You gave her those powers!

I snarl and race off into the woods. Maybe we'll find her a bit closer to the coast.

We found the place. We're near Grizzly Creek, be careful though and just meet with us. This is the largest group of Rogues we've seen in over a decade. Enzo mindlinks me. I sprint there, making it in fifteen minutes.

Everyone mills around, awaiting my arrival. I must have been the farthest away.

We should attack now! While they think we're far away and before the wind shifts! I mindlink everyone, my plans going around like a forest fire.

We should wait until dawn. If we attack now, we lose the element of surprise and could lose many of our Pack. One of the Luna's debates, I shake my head.

If we wait we lose the element of surprise, Kenya. If we attack now, we can easily overpower them. We have seven Pack's all together and they only have the equivalent of three, and add on the fact that they're crazed, they'll lose easily. We just have to be logical about it. Another Alpha responds, they debate until I finally lose my mind.

She's my mate! I say we get her now, maybe we won't even have to attack. We could easily get her and leave now while everyone is asleep. I counter, slowly we come to an agreement. I nod, Silas and Hazel stepping back to allow me to lead the way. We all slowly creep down the hill, silently coming to a stop outside the metal building.

She must be so hot inside. I glance over the door, trying to see how I could get in without making too much noise. Enzo steps forward, pushing me out of the way and shifting back to human form.

He grins as he fiddles with something, the door swinging open with a low whine of protest. We all wince, looking around but no one stirs.

I launch in as Enzo pulls a light out of the backpack he had been carrying this whole time. Jaiyana was bruised and battered, covered in blood and old clothes. Her head lolled forward, the cutest of snores falling from her lips. I launch forward, but Silas has already moved in front of me.

His teeth crush the chains, dropping it from around her wrists. They were bruised a dark purple, and her jaw was too. I hold back a snarl, launching forward to catch her body with mine.

Who would've thought... I do have a strong Family Bond with her. Enzo remarks, I glare at him sharply. He just shrugs, shifting into wolf form.

Everyone, turn around and don't look. I order, they do as I say. I shift back into human form, laying Jay on the ground as I quickly dress. I hoist Jay into my arms, holding her shivering body close to my naked chest.

I cradle her, brushing her dirty hair away from her face. Goddess, I'm never letting her go again. Then, lights turn on everywhere and Rogues attack. Well, damn, there goes our plan to leave peacefully.

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