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Ash's POV

I destroy my office in a rage. They took her! They kidnapped her and I can't find her. We only have three more weeks before her next heat, and I was planning on finishing the mating process before then or she could die!

"Alpha, please. We have our best scouts on the hunt for her. Maybe you should call the Royal Pack and our allies." Jace tries to calm me down, I breathe heavily as I glare at him.

"Join the hunt, Jace. I'll call them." Growling, I wait until he leaves to punch the wall. I sit down at my desk, calling the Royal Pack first.

"This is the Royal Pack, Beta Diane speaking." A musical voice lilts, but I could careless how kind she sounds.

"Get me to Hazel and Silas. Tell them it's Asher." I growl, she does as I ask.

"Hey, Asher. What's up? Did you two make it home safely?" Hazel speaks over the phone, I snarl.

"That's beside the point, Hazel! Max attacked with his Rogues, and they kidnapped Jay. I need help." I bark into the phone, she gasps.

"We'll be there with our entire Pack in an hour tops." She growls angrily, hanging up on me. One by one, I call our allies and eventually get to Winter and Solomon's Pack.

"Hello?" Winter sighs into the phone.

"Max has Jay. We need help." I hang up on her, unable to handle her voice. She made my mate cry, she doesn't deserve my time. I knew she would come, so I had no problem with hanging up on her. Matt already called Alpha Zeke and Luna Eve, and they were going to come soon to pick up Eilidh.

Blade knocks on my office door, "What!" I yell.

He opens the door, my parents flying in and attacking me with a hug. "Oh, sweetie. I know you'll find her!" My mother cries, holding me close. I untense, tears finally crawling down my face.

"She's gone! Mom, she's gone!" I cry into her arms, she just pulls me closer to hopefully soothe me.


"Mom! You can't make me go in there!" I yell as she and my father push me across the front yard of my high school.

"You still have school, young man! I know Jay is in trouble, but we have plenty of Alpha's at home ordering their Pack's around to help find her. We'll have her by the end of the week, so calm down and go and get some education!" She yells back at me, I growl. She slaps my arm.

"No growling." She orders, I wilt under her and fall to my knees in front of practically everyone in this school.

"Mom! Please! She's in his arms and she could die in a few more weeks! You can't make me go in there! I want to be there, helping everyone look for her!" I beg, she looks down at me with sigh.

"Asher McHanner! I told you to get into school and at least try, I know your mate is in danger and all you want to do is go full Alpha and order everyone around to find her, but you need to stop destroying the house! So, get into that building and try." She glares at me, I huff as Dad starts laughing at my heartbroken expression.

"Fine, mother." I growl, she rolls her eyes.

"Drama Queen. Get inside." She pushes me towards the nearest teacher. "Make sure he gets into first period. I don't trust him." She glares harshly at me, I roll my eyes.

"Yes, ma'am." I'm ushered inside as I glumly stare at the ground.

"So, where's Jaiyana?" Alistair glides in beside me, a snarl rips out of me and silences the whole cafeteria.

"She's kidnapped, Alistair!" I snap, his eyes widen.

"Wait, what?" He gasps, I roll my eyes.

"You remember Max? Yeah, he went crazy and kidnapped Jay last night. Fucking dumbass doesn't know that I have the Royal Pack and the Elders on my side." I chuckle darkly as I imagine him being torn to fucking shreds and then his body burned to a crisp and thrown to those Rogues for food.

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