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As days went by, there was no word of Max. No scent of him. No sighting of him. Not even any of the Rogues. It scared us, our Pack was on high alert. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without a security detail, and the school was scared of the guards who followed me around.

My detail consisted of two girls and three guys. The girls followed me into the bathroom, but they all followed me everywhere else. And my security was silent and deadly. The best of our Pack. All willing to die for me. Which made me uncomfortable.

And every day, we taught the humans how to fight back. How to defend themselves. But it was only to defend. They knew if they used what we taught them to hurt others, we'd hurt them a lot worse.

I sigh as I pull into some stupid high-end fashion designer store, I needed to get a good dress for this stupid party. Parking, I get out with my entire security detail following me. Ash set up this appointment for during school, so I'm stuck doing this by myself with the Pack's card.

The door opens before I could even reach for the handle, a tall woman walking out with a nervous smile on her face. "Mrs. McHanner! Welcome, welcome." She ushers me inside very quickly, her red hair up in a fancy updo.

"Please don't call me that. Just call me-" I'm cut off as one of the guys steps forward, talking for me.

"You will refer to her as Luna." I huff, crossing my arms as I'm forced to sit down and men and women show me a million different dresses. But they always showed the most extravagant, flashy dresses in colors I didn't even like.

I sigh as I stand, waving my security to stay sitting as I halt the humans. "Look, I can look for my own dresses. I don't know who set up this thing for me, but I'm telling you right now. My name is Jaiyana, so use it. I can look for my own dress. And I especially don't need you all trying to stay on my good side. I'm not going to kill you." I practically snarl, fed up with their nervous energy.

"And none of these colors are going to work, the dress has to be either black, silver, grey, or even a nice faded blue-grey. Alright? Not bright pink, deep red, or any other flashy color." They scatter, running to help me. I sigh, looking through the racks myself. I don't need a princess style dress, or any others. I just need a stupid dress, and I'd like it in silk.

"She'd like her dress to be in silk." One of the girls says quickly, flushing the second I glare at her.

"Stay out of my head." I snarl, Echo growling and snapping at the back of my head as she raises up walls around our mind.

"A-Alpha told us." She whimpers, bowing her head at me. Her mousy brown hair covered her face, fear stricken from my power. I sigh as just as quickly I used it, I pretended nothing ever happened.

"Okay then, and yes I do want my dress to be in silk. I love the way it feels." I sigh, beyond frustrated and exhausted for this to be happening. Instantly, I'm dressed up in a million dresses. Complimented and awed over. As if I was some pretty, shiny new toy to be passed around.

So, I stepped away, grabbed a random dress and took it into the changing room. It was a deep black with a blue undertone, it was actually gorgeous, and seconds later I felt like the Moon Goddess herself. It was silk on the side that was touching my skin, and it hugged my curves before flaring off at about my knees. Slowly, I stepped out and it was like I had everyone on their knees.

Within minutes, the dress was paid for and we were walking out of the place with the dress still on me. Why not surprise Ash, after I kill him of course for making me do this alone with a bunch of nervous people.

My mind wanders towards the nervous feeling in my gut, the anger and worry and fear that clouded my head for months. What if he succeeded? What if he really could tear apart our matebond and make me his? What if he wiped out my Pack?

What if he killed Asher? I whimper at the thought, but before anyone could question anything we pull into school. I practically leap out of the still moving car, racing straight into the building with a smirk. As it was lunchtime, the doors were opened for those who left campus for lunch.

As I walked towards my table, the humans slowly started to look at me and a hush filled the room. Ash looks over at me, his eyes widening.

"Goddess..." He trails off, his voice failing him as I come to a stop in front of my mate. Instantly I'm swept into his arms, featherlight kisses all over my face.

"You look gorgeous, sis." Enzo chuckles when Ash growls lowly, I roll my eyes and pull away from my mate.

"Okay now that you've had your minute of aweing over me," I grumble, beginning to glare at Ash as I punch him in his gut. "That's for making me do that alone! Goddess they wouldn't stop shaking and I wasn't even allowed to speak! And secondly," I punch him again in the same spot.

"That's for telling them I was, 'Mrs. McHanner'," I snarl, he pouts down at me. I whirl on Enzo, his eyes widen in fear as I stalk towards him. Some of my guards that followed me around were from his Pack, so now he was going to get a punch in the gut for giving me ones who don't let me speak for myself.

"And you! You're guards you made me have won't let me speak! Goddess, I don't even need these guards. I have powers you idiots! I can read your minds, talk to the Moon Goddess herself, and more. I don't need or want these guards." I venomously speak, Ash pulls me away from Enzo before I attack him.

"Alright! We'll get rid of the guards, but if you plan on going anywhere by yourself and its too far for us to get there in time you'll have two guards tailing you. Got it?" Adonis takes over, I sigh in relief and nod.

"Thank you, now, I'm going home and taking a much needed nap." Adonis grins, his smirk wolfish as he remembers what we did last night. Blushing, I duck my head as my mind brings up the memories of last night.

"I love you, Jay." He tilts my chin up, his grip on my chin soft as he gently kisses me.

"I love you too." After a few more moments, I go home and instantly change into one his sweatshirts and pass out on the bed.

Dark Moon (The Moon Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now