Thirty Eight

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I race through the halls, pushing every straggler I find towards the gym doors. I point at one of the guards, growling softly as Echo scratches to get out and unleash her rage. "Keep these humans safe, you hear me. If I hear of even one death in that gym, I will personally make all of you go to their funeral." I growl, disappearing down the cold halls and quickly throwing my clothes into a girl bathroom before shifting.

Launching out a nearby door, I race towards the battle now that I knew the school was secure and others were securing the town. The empty streets were eerie, the sounds of a distant fight the only thing in my ears.

I jump over a fence, pounding down streets of black and towards the screams of battle. Howls and growls, yelps and snarls. It was all you could hear. Shuddering in rage and fear, I skid around a corner and find the fight nowhere near the forest but in the middle of town, near the middle school.

Jumping into the fray, I tear and bite at any Rogue near me. With loud snarls, a couple wolves jump at me. As their paws hit me, I roll over the hard ground as the cement scraped my skin. The thin but painful scratches quickly healed as I pushed up from the ground and bounded towards the two wolves with a snarl of anger.

Red covers my vision, the want and need to protect my Pack and these humans pushed me to attack them furiously and relentlessly. The taste of dirt and metallic blood fills my mouth as I kill those two, it made me feel sad that I had to kill them, but I knew what I had to do.

I attack and chase, only killing them if they wouldn't run away from the fight. The clouds above flashed with lightning as rain poured from the heavens above and thunder shook the ground.

I watch as my Pack fight with all they have to protect these humans, others running around to make sure no human was attacked. Not seeing Ash anywhere, I twirl around in a circle in a panic. The taste of blood still on my tongue as I pant in exhaustion.

Jay! There's a wolf sneaking away! Echo shouts in my head, turning us so I see a brown wolf running in the direction towards the high school.

With a growl, I chase her but I'm barely able to keep up with her. She leaves my sight, but I'm able to follow her putrid smell of rotten eggs. Skidding around a corner, I see the gym doors slightly open and hear screams. I run towards the green doors, barely making it in before it's slammed shut and glancing around the panicked room of humans.

I don't know what comes over me, but it's like my throat and mouth sort of shifted back to human from my own panic. "Everyone against the walls!" I scream, jumping towards the brown she-wolf. She growls, snapping at my neck with her yellow eyes gleaming with disgust and hate.

Bowling each other over on the polished floors, digging deep scratches into the polish, growls and snarls were the only thing heard. The humans keep quiet, watching in horror and fascination as we separate and stalk around in a circle.

I growl warningly, snapping my jaws in her direction. Her tail lashes against the floor, muscles tensing. She glances around the room, practically drooling over the humans. She is far beyond gone. Releasing my Luna Dominance, she whines and flattens her ears but still decides to attack me in desperation.

We hit each other in a flurry of snapping jaws and growls, hitting the floor and rolling around our claws scratch down one another. Her claws tore at my sides, blood staining her white nails. I throw her off me, jumping towards her despite the injuries I have gained.

Landing on top of her, I press my weight down on one of her legs, the snap echoing around the silent room before her wail of agony fills the space. I lunge forward, dragging her by her neck to a warrior. The warrior quickly pulls his shirt off noticing my impatient stare and hands it to me. I barely let go to quickly lay it over me before shifting and grabbing her by her neck.

Wrapping the large shirt around me like a towel, I shove the whimpering wolf towards the warrior. "Take her to the cells and prepare her for questioning." I order, he nods and drags the whining Rogue away. A couple warriors surround me, keeping their backs to me so I could pull the shirt over my head. Once somewhat dressed, Asher bursts through the doors in human form.

"Are you okay?" He rushes to me, pulling me into a hug. I laugh quietly, kissing his cheek.

"I'm fine, Ash. I promise." I smile up at him, pulling away to quickly go around the room to check on everyone.

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