Twenty Seven

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Jay's POV

We pull up to a gorgeous restaurant, Ash quickly running out to my side of the truck to help me down. Pulling me close by my waist, he leads me inside with an excited grin. The hostess at the front smiles at us as Ash pulls me up to her.

"Reservation for McHanner." Ash tells her gruffly; her eyes widen but she quickly glances through her book in front of her.

"Of course, sir. Right this way." She nods, grabbing a couple menus and showing us past a few other tables. Some hold businessmen, others hold couples. She shows us to a table in the corner, completely secluded from everyone else.

Ash pulls my chair out for me, smiling down at me softly. As he sits down himself, I grab the menu and begin to look over it. Four hours in a car, and you begin to get hungry.

"You know, one would think that being together for six years, we should have been on a date already." I wink, he chuckles with a glint of humor in his eyes.

"Well, one would also think we'd be more comfortable by now." He teases me, I blush and focus my attention on the menu. What to eat? He chuckles, peering down at his menu as well.

"Alright folks, do we know what we want to drink?" A young guy asks, I look up with a smile.

"Two ice waters." Ash deadpans, the guy nods and walks away.

"Ash! You need to be nice." I whisper in shock, he growls angrily as his eyes glow golden.

"He was checking you out." Adonis snarls, I lean over to place a hand on his arm.

"Adonis, I'm yours. Okay? I promise, all yours." I speak soothingly, he nods and begins to relax.

"Okay, Love." He purrs, Ash gaining back control. He grimaces, still in contact with Adonis.

"I'm sorry for that, where were we?" Ash smirks at me as I blush, looking back down at the menu.

"We were looking for something to eat." I reply, he chuckles and smiles lovingly at me.

"Get whatever you like, Love. This is my surprise to you after all." He winks, I giggle softly and glance over the menu. I really want that chicken parmesan, it sounds so good.

Ice waters are set down in front of us. "Just let me know when you're ready to order." The guy smiles politely at us, Ash nods at me. I nod, letting him know I was ready.

"We're ready now, if you're ready to take our order?" Ash says more kindly this time; the guy relaxes and nods.

"Of course. What are we having today?" He asks, Ash tilts his head towards me.

"Um, may I have the chicken parmesan and a side salad?" I question, the guy nods with a warm smile.

"Definitely, I'll get that for you. And for you, sir?" Ash glances down at his menu.

"I'll have the pork chop Florentine, also a side salad as well. We'll both have French dressing and ranch." Ash orders, the waiter nods.

"Of course, sir. We'll have your food out as quick as we can." He scurries off to put in our orders.

"So, I was thinking the other day, that we should ask the principal if we can set up a club after school where we meet up and teach humans about wolf culture and facts. Like really dive in deep and show them around the Pack and let them interview some of our Pack to get to know how Pack life goes on a daily basis." I speak softly, Ash looks up with a raised eyebrow.

"And why should we do that?" Ash smirks, leaning back in his chair as he brings the glass to his lips.

"Because they are all wonderful people and I want them to understand us, so they aren't afraid of us. Then, maybe it'll spread around the world and we can show them that we aren't that bad. That we've protected them since the dawn of time." I explain, Ash looks over me with a grin. Tilting his head back, I watch as his Adam's apple bobs with each drink he takes.

"I'll think about it and we can talk about it with our Pack." Ash murmurs, I grin and clap my hands quietly. Chuckling, I gasp in surprise at the quick service as our salads are set down in front of us.

"So, darling, we have a lot to do in these next few weeks. Prepare for Christmas, go up to the Royal Pack and meet the rest of the family, visit your parent's Pack, meet up with your grandparents after all these years, invite my parents over for Christmas this year, and we need to prepare for a meeting with an ally of ours that holds a new year's eve party and meeting every year. We have to go." Ash tells me, I nod with a small sigh.

"Right, we have so much to do. What should we get the Pack this year?" I ask, he leans forward.

"What if we pre-order a bunch of small sacks? For the kids, we give them smore stuff and a hot cocoa packet. For the adults, alcohol or something." He suggests, I pucker my lips as I think.

"Alright, that sounds like a good idea." I agree, Ash smiles.

"That's settled then. I already have the dates picked out. In a week, we head down to the Royal Pack and meet up with the family and stay for two days. Then, we go instantly from there to your parents Pack. Your grandparents will be there, and we stay with them for about a week." He pauses to take a drink, gesturing with his hands as he continues on.

"Then, we come home in time to get all our homework that we missed, do it over the holidays and get it done before Christmas. Christmas Eve, we have our huge dinner. Then celebrate Christmas with my parents there of course. Then we get about a week of rest before we have to go to that party." He tells me his plan, I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"Really? All planned out, Mr. Alpha." I tease, he rolls his eyes.

"I just want to get everything ready so there's nothing that can stop us or make our year that much worse." He shrugs, it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"You're so negative, think of the positive! We're together and happy, our Pack is successful and happy, and we can finally enjoy a little bit of peace while we look for Max." I sigh, drinking some of my icy water. Eating my salad, I silently enjoy Ash's company.

Our food gets here, so I quickly dig in with excitement. This is going to be an awesome date.

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