Chapter 1

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A/n:- Hi Great Readers!!
I apologise before hand for any mistakes as the chapter is not proofread.

{Translations for the words or names I used in the chapter.}

★Mahabharata:- An ancient Indian epic.
★Ammi:- Mother.
★Yaar:- friend.
★Shri Krishna:- Hindu God Mahavishnu's incarnation.
★Shishupal;- a character in Mahabharata,who was later killed by Shri Krishna.
★Abbu:- Father.
★Di:- Elder sister.
★Shakuni:- An important character in Mahabharata. He was an antagonist.
★Mama:- Uncle.
★Chicken Biryani:- A non-veg dish. Which consists of Rice, Chicken, spices etc.
★Kabab:- A non-veg dish. In here it's Chicken kabab.



I was sitting on my swing which was in my room and was watching a documentary on Mahabharat,she did explain it nicely, even though there were some mistakes in her pronounciation, which seems fair as she is a foreigner and her accent was like that,overall I liked the documentary it's good.

I was finally done watching the documentary on my laptop, just when I was about to shut it,Farhan entered or more like barged into my room,as if it was his own and stood in front of me, he shut my laptop and glared daggers at me.
Hmmm,he is angry but I didn't do anything this time,I simply stared at him mentally saying him to come to the point.

"You are secretly working for my enemy aren't you?" He said still glaring at me, but I thought something else, Wow! We actually did telepathy didn't we?

"How did you know that?I thought I was quite good at pretending to be your best friend ." I said to him in complete astonishment which obviously was fake, while inwardly I was just a few seconds away from laughing like a mad person, and I did lose my control and laughed loudly,where I was laughing, Farhan seemed to be having a seizure,so eventually I composed myself and smiled at him.

"Yaar, Vika you are laughing here like a chimpanzee and I am suffering just because of you, do you know that?"he said to me while taking a seat next to me,I was okay with it as the swing could take the weight of two peoples.

"Ok,ok I won't laugh, do tell me what happened and what did you say about me creating some problem in your life?by the way which is completely unknown to me."
I said to him trying to put on a serious face, which I think I failed miserably, as Farhan scowled and gave me a I- am- so- done- with- you look.

"I can't believe you but whatever,I have a bigger problem which I have to deal with and it's all because of you".he said to me again setting his glare on me,as if it was some type of weapon of which I should be scared-witless, I scoffed at that, which apparently didn't settle well with my already angry friend, as he intensified his glare at me with a pretty scowl on his face.

" Ok , before you start trying to kill me with your eyes and go-to jail because of attempt to murder, you can just explain the situation and maybe we can find a way which can save my life and you won't have to become a prisoner, what say?" I proposed him a deal,I mean I make very good deals,I should have been in marketing,umm...... no.

"It's not funny vika but ok whatever, You know how you force me to accompany you to different locations at night,like some cemetery,museum and forts,so we or more specifically you can study it peacefully,I always join you for two things,one because I am studying Archaeology,and two because you are my friend.
I thought I was good at being a spider man and sneaking out without anybody noticing me but I was wrong,as today my Ammi confronted me that I have a secret girlfriend to whom I visit at night to spend some quality time, and she started screaming that why wouldn't I bring her home and how she wanted to see my girlfriend!".he said and I was wondering why would he stress about it? when he didn't have a girlfriend at all!!

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