Chapter 7

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I am feeling as if I was hit by something, something hard,but I still had some aches,hmm, that is ok, because I feel great after this nap,I didn't wanted to open my eyes at all,so I just laid on my soft bed,wow! It feels like my comforter and bedsheet have been replaced by silk, hmm, that's weird,who might have changed it? I started thinking,..oh yeah, my dadda might have said someone to change it,. I really should thank my dadda more.... .. I once again started drifting to a dreamless sleep, ....
But even before I could drift off to sleep,I heard some shuffling in my room,..hmm, might be Di so I started calling her.

"Di,are you here? It's Navya di right! Oh please,if you are thinking of scaring me, then you should know that l don't get scared easily at all, I am not even scared of ghosts,I mean,why should I be scared of something, which even I will be without this body ha! that will be like me getting scared of myself,and I am too beautiful to look at for,and there is no chance of anyone to getting scared. Oh my god Navya di answer me, di? Di? Is it Anvi di?.....ok now it's not funny at all,ha! I am opening my eyes now, and you all better not hide,as we are definitely not playing hide and seek here. " I warned my di, which ever di it is, ha! This is a big problem if you have so many brothers and sisters, you can't bloody know who is it?.

So I slowly opened my eyes, and noticed that my windows were open and my red curtains were flowing gracefully as the winds flowed through it. Hmmm,I can try being a poet,I surely know how to talk about a topic, I mean wow! Red curtains,a poem written by Adhvika.  Uh-huh,I could really be famous..... Wait, something is weird,I once again feel like I am missing something......
Open windows.... Hmmm, ok.
Red curtains,yeah bright red,hmmm.
Wait what?
From when did my curtains changed from, white and aquamarine,to red and what the hell! I sat straight and saw that the windows or non-existing windows led to a big balcony, from when did my balcony became this large,I mean it was pretty good as it was big and all, but this was like I could play table tennis and even then I would have much more place,ok...
Now,I didn't wanted to turn my head towards the other direction,it was like someone pressed a pause button,and for the first time in my life,I felt really miserable as I recalled all the events in my mind.
Cave... Ok, yeah.
Forest.... Hmmm,
Drama artists,
Dwapar yug.... Hmm,I understand,

That means MAHABHARAT,hmm,I freaking time traveled. What the actual hell?

Out of all my crazy wishes,god decided to fullfill only this one,wow! You all truly do love me a alot,,. So now I am trapped in the Dwapar yug, yeah right! .
Only now I realised that I didn't actually move my head at all, so I first looked down,... for me it all felt like some movie,or shit like that. Was I some protagonist or what? I like it....hmm no.

Ok so I was sitting in some kind of bed which was so big that,it literally could fit me and my sisters... Ok so it could fit 4 people.

Why the hell! Do a single person need so much space, are they literally some giants or what or they just like to roll around in their bed. Weird.
And when I looked at the whole room, only one word came out of my mouth..
Holy shit!
What the heck? What is this? My room or my all sisters room combined and believe me, which means it's freaking giant,I can easily get lost in this room ,.. wait wait, did I just claimed this room as mine, bad Adhvi,no.. you can't think like that.

Ok but why was a fountain placed here and not outside the palace,and why was a mini stream running around here, with steps placed ,for what actually to take a walk or something... This room was no where similar to the one in my dream,but why Do I feel like that soon person has his hands in it,. I am just waiting to get my hands on that idiotic creature,so that I could kill him, even if I was going to yam lok,it was ok,but I really really wanted to see the devil Lucifer,I mean come on,he is supposed to be sinfully handsome,... why couldn't I be placed there with him or something,..

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