Chapter 11

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I woke up feeling joyful,I was particularly not sure why though???

Is it some type of sixth sense or what??
Hmmm, maybe or did I dream about something which made me this happy..

Well as much as i complain about my family,they are also the ones I love the most...... Hmm so it's either them or
Any guesses...

Yep, it's BTS.... well I don't really give a fish if you guessed it wrong...

Ok, whatever.

Hmmm,if I was in my home I would have said that maybe I dreamt about Mahabharat,but now ..... Nuh-huh..
Not a chance

Because I loved Mahabharat then,...
Now I don't even know who Mahabharat is?
Ok what Mahabharat is maybe?
It's not a person....

Well I think these people wouldn't know what Mahabharat is,as they know that epic war as "Jaya" I mean who on earth thought of that name..... ?

Ofcourse these chimpanzees would only know two things winner and loser...

I think they had no sense at all, I mean now as I am here I think that everyone here is a fool in disguise as a prince or some type of warrior....

Ok .... But the prince's in this dynasty are chimpanzees disguised as Prince's.

I am speaking the truth here,... What can I say truth is always bitter, just like cough syrup.... Ewww I hate them.

Thank goodness I have no cough syrup here.....

It's ok, I will drink cough syrup if needed but I have to get out of here.

And Adhvi no greediness remember...
That is a sin, which is a open invitation to hell...
Hmm, hell means Lucifer...mmm me likey....

Nuh ...
We only get Yama ... No, not that I have problem with him.... See I think when I would die...
oh don't be so happy .
I know that Shakuni's incarnation is going to throw a party,if heaven forbid I died, that cunning witch without a wand
But yeah, back to topic

I will probably die after a century or two.

Yes, everyone in the future generation is blessed,as they can see the one and only the great Adhvika Mahajan in flesh.

Wait wait.... My story is not going to turn into Urashima taro now is it...

Of course not I bloody didn't save any turtle or something....
Neither was I taken to the emperor of Ocean.... So no....
Ok,.... That's great.

But am I going to be old when I travel back to 21st century??... I mean now upon close reckoning I am now wondering how the hell did I time travel,,I mean wasn't it impossible to go back in time as time follows entropy and it has only one direction which is forward.... I mean traveling at the speed of light is .. I don't think I did that..,. Of course I didn't,I am not in future rather I am in past....

And even if the time somehow became negative..... But exactly how did this happen????
Oh god!!! I am speaking just like my family,... Oh lord why am I including physics in this.... I am accusing dev bhai for this,he is the one who rants about all things like black hole... Blah blah blah, then general and special relativity.... blah blah blah. Speed of light ...some more blah blah blah....then the most common one Standard model..... Blah blah blah...

I mean,now as I was reminiscing about that,,I have a great question for Dev bhai......
Why didn't he became a physicist?
He speaks more of physics than of medicine.I shook my head in disbelief.

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