Chapter 5

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Well,I was not watching my usuals this time,I was busy watching about the caves in Maharashtra. Ok to be honest I have visited almost all of the caves,as you know that I am an Archaeological trainee and all. The caves actually gives us so much of information and let's not talk about all the mysterious things or facts or something like that which we discover in the caves,I mean there are many caves in which their is mentioned that we can actually go to some other place like or more specifically from one village to another state or something like that, it's quite fascinating but the problem is the caves in which they have some secret passages are too small for a human to walk or even crawl after some time of moving further into the cave,and we all know that oxygen is also the major problem,I mean I am actually concerned about how they even managed to build that in the first place,or was it always there.

Ok, let's not give my brain so much of stress, even though unraveling these mysteries is a part of my job,but you can't just loose your sanity before you even start your career. Ha! I can't believe this our professor actually found out a new cave in Maharashtra,WOW! that's so great, wait a moment I think I forgot something,...hmm what could it be? Oh I got it, it's my laptop,I mean I forgot shut my laptop. Well,I shut my laptop peacefully this time, but,no,no this time no one interrupted me,I was thoroughly stressed,oh my god I just need that 'soon' person,I mean he has tortured the daylight out of me, first it was just in my dreams but yesterday that was extreme I heard that voice when I was wide awake, oh god my head feels like it will explode anytime now, Just as I was rubbing my temples someone barged into my room,oh god why do everyone barge into my room as if it was some kind of basement and I was just a poor creature who was locked in here.

"Adhvi, you have a survey you know that right? " My mumma questioned me. Wow! I can't even demand 2,000 from her,well why would she even give me a penny to barge into my room the whole house was hers,I mean basically it was ours but my parents and uncles and aunts built it so..... It sucks to not earn money, it's ok I will pester someone else as a matter of fact.

"No mumma, it's tomorrow not today, and by the way don't you have work to do." I asked her,to be honest my mumma loved her job so so much,she would never take a leave even if she was sick,she even worked till 7½ months of her pregnancy, she only took leaves when anyone of us where sick.

"Yes,I do have work but I took a holiday as it's been so long,I didn't get to spend it with my daughters,and no don't give me that look,I was actually here to say that you shouldn't go to the survey today, but when I saw that you were trying fight with your forehead,I thought you were not going." My mumma explained while shrugging her shoulders and what does she mean by fighting with my forehead, for my sake I am having a worst headache of my lifetime does my massage seems like an attack .... Ha my mumma is too crazy.

"Mumma, I was not attacking my forehead, I was gently massaging it ." I said to her in a bored tone,and my mumma seem to have listened something else,as she began to laugh.
Ok.. did my mumma finally lost her sanity?

"Oh god Adhvi, you can surely be a wonderful entertainer my love,I mean anyone who saw you doing that ridiculous thing which you were joking about being a massage, would know that, the thing you were doing to your forehead was anything but it, and If I say it correctly it can actually cause anyone a headache, and massage doesn't cause more headache love. That's why I was laughing,but why were you trying to get a headache." My mumma said after she sobered up from her laughing session, but I understood something ....... That's why my head is spinning right,no I can't make a fool of myself in front of mumma.

"Hahahaha, it was funny right, actually I saw this thing in a video which was sent by Isha, I mean whenever you do this to your forehead someone will come to meet you, and I was feeling lonely and curious so I thought I could just try it for fun. Haha." I said still showing my front teeth, and believe me I think that I was definitely looking like some creepy zombie or whatever,. I am still it doesn't matter.

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