★The Quad's Bet (One Shot)★

765 62 121

A/n:- Hi Great Readers!!
* Waving my both hands hysterically *

I am finally back, but with an one shot....  *sighing*

I know, I know I apologise for this long wait and another long wait you all have to do for the chapter.

Also thank you so much Great Readers for nearly 38k reads and 2.97k votes. Oh my gosh!! I can't believe this seriously!!
*screaming like a banshee*

Not to forget that I reached 100 followers.
* Blinks owilishly in disbelief *

Please always keep supporting me like the way you all have been supporting me, also vote and comment a lot....... As I missed conversing with you all.



I sighed in exasperation when I couldn't find Vika in the guest wing, she isn't in the guest gardens as well.

I asked this girl for only one single thing, that was for her to stay in her room for few minutes and wait for me. Then we were supposed to go wherever she wanted to stroll. However she couldn't compile to this minute request. On the other hand,I even have to twirl around holding her Lehenga for her to see how it will look!

Like seriously? Only Vika can think like this, because I can't think about, how a person can select which lehenga will look good on them, by asking their Male bodyguard to twirl around while holding it. I really can't with this girl.

I shook my head in disapproval.

Vika is hell bent on making me embarrassed to core. She ca-

I facepalmed myself after I realised what on earth I was doing. Vika has caused some severe influence on people like me, who spend an awfully long amount of time with her.

The agony is I can't even distance myself from her not that I want to,but my mentally ranting habits are saying otherwise.

Anyways back to a missing Vika.

My best guess is that, either Vika is with Angraj or she is pestering Maharaj Dhritrashtra.

Vika is authentically something else, I personally have never seen anyone, including Mahamahim Bheeshm or even Maharani Gandhari behaving so casually with Maharaj like Vika does. The most shocking fact is him letting her do everything her heart desires.

If I have counted correctly and Vika didn't bring anything else without notifying me. Then she has seventeen different items in her room, which she liked in Maharaj's room, *sigh * he being the whipped Bestfriend he is happily gave it to her.

Admittedly it's astonishing to see their playful interaction. I mean on a daily basis you don't get to see a strict King playing along and letting a foreign Princess do whatever she wished. This is one of the rarest occurings atleast according to me.
Nonetheless, I adore their unique friendship.

I sighed heavily at my wavering thoughts and was about to enter my room, however I stopped abruptly when I heard some commotion from inside.

Oh!! Someone is spying on me!! Well you chose the wrong man. I smirked inwardly, carefully took out my sword from its scabbard and barged inside. Only for my mouth to fell open in shock.


What in the god's name is happening here?

I have full rights to be astonished, as Princess Subhadra, Princess Dusshala and Princess Avantika were arguing in the middle of my room without a care in the world.

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