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A/n:- Hi Great Readers!!
*Hysterically waving my hands at you all *

I am finally back with the Answers-2!!
*Smiles widely*

I sincerely apologise for the delay.
*slightly bowing at you all.*

Thank you so much Great Readers for your support and love. As Bound to happen is really so close to 30k its already 29.9k. *squealing in ecstasy*

My Great Readers,Your Author Has To Inform Something Very Important To You All, Hence Don't Forget To Check The Author's Note Below!!

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゚°☆⫷ ANSWERS-2 ⫸☆° ゚

☆》The Shri Krishna, Shri Balram, Revathi Jiji and Subhadra《☆


1)  _ryyyzd

➤ Pranam,this question is for Bratha Krishna and Bratha Balram. So, how are you both feeling now? Or let's say “How are you both feeling after Adhvika left Dwarka, to go to Hastinapur?" (Somehow I believe not much difference for Bratha Krishna, but still want to know.)

→ *Vasudev Shri Krishna and Shri Balram enter, one with a mischievous smile and one with a wide smile.*

Bal Dau: I couldn't be more thankful!!

*sighs in happiness*

Handling two prankster is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. I always have a constant headache due to Krishna and his leelas, after Adhvi's arrival my headache reached to a level, where I seriously thought that I would become insane. Which thankfully by Narayan's grace did not happen.

Moving forward,now my headache is far more better than ever. Even though occasionally it comes back due to Krishna.

*Krishna incredibly stares at Dau.*

*Dau ignores Krishna.*

*Krishna brings Adhvika and Adhvika narrows her eyes at Dau.*

*Dau's eyes widens immediately and he smiles nervously at Adhvika's direction.*

I love Adhvi a lot and I miss her so much, Adhvi can never give me headaches!! Who even uttered all those things before? It wasn't me. No... Not at all. It was a doppelganger.

*Krishna smirks at his Dau.*

*Adhvika shakes her head in disbelief and exits out.*

*Dau sighs in relief.*

What I said earlier was 100% true, however I do miss her a lot and I love Adhvi as well. She is a little... Uh!! Not little, big mischievous one. Yet one cannot ignore the sweet girl hidden beneath the Brave and Confident Girl.

I will protect Adhvi like I do with Subhadra. Adhvi is just as much sister of mine as Bhadra is.

Kanha:- As you all are already aware about the fact that, I still am under the clutches of a human named Adhvika Mahajan.

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