𑁍 Adhvika and her Travel bags 𑁍

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I was humming some random tune to myself, out of the blue I remembered about something important.

I face palmed myself and shook my head in disbelief. How come I forgot about such an important thing?
Anyways, let's ask that to Krishna.

I called him impatiently, it's better to ask him now, otherwise I would just forget about that topic.

Krishna responded immediately.

Krishna I want travel bags.
I solicited (ask) and smiled while thinking about the Lehenga,Jewelleries and antiques I can take home with me.

What? Why ? Where are you traveling? you do know that you cannot use them here right? Why do you even nee-

Stop stop!! I am not really going anywhere,I was actually asking you about that for the day when I go back to 21st century.
I cut off Krishna's questions and informed him.

Ohhh!! Then why do you need it now?
Krishna queried in confusion.
I scowled disapprovingly,

Krishna are you even planning to send me back? If not, then pray tell me and please do see what I would do.
I calmly queried and stated warningly. I am so brave, well it's Krishna not some other god. He is my bff first so I can talk to him however I want.

I heard a sharp intake from the other side.

What are you saying Vika? Ofcourse I will send you back once everything is sorted, but I am still puzzled, you came here just with a bag pack or something, then why do you need a travel bag that too in plural?
Krishna breathlessly defended himself, his question made me roll my eyes and what does he even mean by when everything is sorted ? Krishna has gone crazy.

Krishna I came from the future, wait wait, I didn't come here by my own will at all, nothing can be done about that, Anyways, I am supposed to change the great epic and after all this hardwork and sufferings, I am not asking you for a reward or something, I am just going to take home what was gifted to me and legally they belong to me. Aren't I so generous and thoughtful ?
I happily explained to Krishna, Silence was Krishna's ultimate answer.

Wow!! How generous is the Great Adhvika Mahajan. However what are you even going to say to your family members? That all these years when they were crazily searching for you , you were actually planning and executing your great plan, which is to break in one of the museum's or Archeological excavation and steal all these ancient Jewelleries and antiques? Seriously If I were your family I would totally believe it, but you can't really sell them as goldsmith will know about it's origin and value so won't it be of no use?
Krishna answered to his own question, I just listened to his ranting and sighed in disbelief, at this point it looks like Krishna is just conversing with himself and he is just projecting me his thoughts.

Krishna I really appreciate your concern and sheer belief in me and as you are the Almighty, you should actually use some magic you know to make everyone ignore my bags,
I sarcastically replied and also informed him about his future chores.

Really now?
What do I look like? some Magician?
Krishna questioned incredulously. I chuckled at his offended self.

Nah!! You are the Almighty,. See you also become the bodyguard of some people who asks you to protect them, then you also become some people's stress reliever, as they take all of their stress and anger on you , most of the times you become the culprit, as people love to say that whatever bad is happening with them is your fault, etc.... As the list is of a never ending one.  So in comparison to all of these titles, being called as a magician is better I guess. Also I asked you because you are my bff.
I nonchalantly informed him with a shrug.

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