Chapter 6

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I woke up while still feeling the need of sleeping as my whole body was aching as if I was crushed under some type of rock, like hell that could happen,no,no seriously I am just being lazy I think,well I didn't open my eyes so yeah,I heard some shuffling, hmm I think mumma is there in my room, so I called her.

"Mumma, good morning, and you know what I think that I was fighting or something in my dream this time as my whole body hurts,oh god and you know what the fun part is I feel like I was hit by stones,oh come on how can it be now,but yeah whatever, mumma are you even listening, Mumma?" I was ranting about my weird dream to mumma but why was she not answering? Was she thinking that I had lost my little bit of sanity,oh come on she should know me better than that,so I called out Mumma's name while I still had my eyes closed and I once again feeling tired slowly lowered myself down on my pillow,just as my head hit the pillow,I mean I really got hit by it.

Was my pillow taking some kind of revenge on me? I mean I just hold it so tightly that if it was a living person then I would go to jail on attempt to murder that's it,no biggie. Wait wait,why the hell was my pillow so hard as a rock? So I tried to take my soft blanket,but my blanket felt like grass, what the hell!
I abruptly opened my eyes and saw that there was trees,and I was lying on the ground with rocks surrounded by me along with grass... Oh.. ok.
I am in some kind of forest nothing else. Hahahaha!.
What the heck was I doing? Was I sleeping peacefully in the middle of some kind of forest in which there might be wild animals too. .. great only I could do it,and here I was calling for my Mumma, thank god wild animals chose to ignore me,and was this the first time in a week I have slept without that 'soon' person. Ha I think I was successful in killing him in my dream.

But what was I doing in this forest,I know for sure I didn't sign up for Man v/s Wild.

Oh! The cave, secret passage and that tragedy oh god I was in such a serious and dangerous situation,ok so I was in an open place but the question was how did I landed here if I was in a cave? So I stood up abruptly then noticed that I had so many injuries and I positively looked like a beggar,wow! Any passing by humans will actually give me alms.

Then I looked around and when I saw behind me I saw that the cave was still behind me,oh thank god for it.

I went inside and looked around to get the first shock of my life,there was no carvings on it, neither the bumps or anything to open it and it looked like a normal small cave. Oh god oh god! What the actual hell was I was supposed to do now,ok.. think Adhvi think.....

Yes! Surely Farhan would atleast like me enough to come save me, and even though I was a thorn in their dramatic life, my family loved me so, yeah I could get out of here,hmmm. Oh wait my handbag, where is it? Atleast I have money if only I could come across some shop or humans I could surely get to my home....

So I went outside and saw that my handbag was just in the same place where I slept without a care in the world...ok  so I was really tired and surprisingly the ground didn't feel uncomfortable at all and then again I can sleep anywhere and anytime,..

Well, let's just leave it and I took my bag and opened it and saw that everything looked okay, I took out my phone so that I could call someone,but after seeing my precious phone's screen I screamed.

"Oh good lord, what the hell? Why would you do this to me? I took this phone just before 20 days and my screen looks like it's been crushed by something hard,ok stones did do it, and what the hell no network, right, actually I should just show this to the sim card company who by all means, scream in those Ads that you use our services you can even get network on top of Mount Everest too, Yeah, yeah Everest my foot, they can't even provide network in a freaking forest and they talk about Everest, which is the tallest mountain in the world. Ha!" I muttered angrily and little scared too,it didn't look like it was morning, perhaps late afternoon and it was soon going to be evening and I honestly didn't feel like camping without anything with me.

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