Chapter 12

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I feel like bawling my eyes out....
I was sitting in the balcony, now fully dressed and the wind was flowing with extra force today and the day looked somewhat gloomy... Just like me.
I was now facing a inner turmoil..
See everyone should know that and I think atleast majority of the people do know that, taking decisions by heart,is just personification. Some people take it seriously, like really? Listen ,heart did not freaking sign up for some part-time job. Because see, it's brain's job to think and all, along with the other things. Poor Heart it's already handling so much things,so why the heck would it take someone else's responsibility??... I shook my head at that.
Wait a moment,,did I go off topic again?
No shit Sherlock.
Hmm I like Arthur Conan Doyle.....
Oh no, I cannot even read books,
If someone is already thinking about why I can't read books,as this palace has a freaking giant library, but see they have numerous books and numerous scrolls but everything is written in Sanskrit or some other ancient language,I know that I can read them,perks of being a Archaeologist but they don't have my favourite authors, one of them being Arthur Conan Doyle, who didn't even exist during this time, forget about writing a book.
So yeah,back to me being gloomy, but really I feel like Deja Vu, I mean the duplicate twin of mine was also sitting just like me,but somewhere different....
Hmm, this is so confusing.
And the cherry on top of that is ,I can't freaking visit anywhere near forest,so that downright means no caves....
As my father (temporary may I add) ordered everyone ,ok not everyone but the chimpanzees and soldiers to not leave my side even for a second if I'm going to visit anywhere outside this damm palace and strictly prohibited me to even look at the forest.
So here I am breaking that rule of not even glancing at the forest, because newsflash Father,my balcony provides a full view of the same forest..ha!!

But really, here goes my quest for that time travel cave and so does my home...
No,no Adhvika think positive, you can't bloody loose your faith and hope.

It's ok for how long is this crisis or some attack is going to last? In other words, this whole problem will definitely end at some point.maybe in a week,two weeks,a month or two months.....Ahh maybe five months .......a year...
Huh!! Stop ..... Just stop your thoughts

No, definitely not a year, I shook my head to clear such horrible thoughts..

I can't stay here for a whole year,no I don't even want to say thank you for this offer but no.......

So yeah now I felt like I have broken enough rules, that's why I entered my room and sat on the swing.

I was peacefully swinging back and forth, but no the peace didn't last for more than a minute,I heard someone knocking on my door,I shook my head at that,I mean how can someone let me be in peace,not in 21st century nor here, I mean all I ask for is a little me time is it too much to ask for....
The answer came up to me as a louder knock ..... Meaning no,no Adhvika,you and peace cannot coexist.

I got it, thank you so much for answering me, whoever did. .
The knocking was more louder this time, oh my goodness!! What is this sudden knocking about, can't even wait for a second. I was thinking something important here..
I called out the person to come in and they did. I personally expected it to be one of the chimpanzees or Bhavana along with her team,but to my sheer suprise it was that person who saved me from falling.
Wait what's his name??
Oh yes Simar ...,
It kinda sounds like Sasural Simar ka
Oh no!!!
I don't think that was his name....
Hmmm, yeah!!! Samarjit , right

(Sasural Simar ka is a serial)

But why did he come to my room???
Oh my freaking God!!!
Don't tell me this Prince fell in love with me....
I mean he kinda entered like some type of hero in the serials and movies.
Oh good God Don't tell me, this Prince here is really close to the chimpanzees and father, and I think he has already informed them about his likeness towards me and how is so strong, brave and blah blah blah and how he is the best groom I can ever get ... Holy hell!!! He might have already proposed his wish of marrying me, infront of Father and chimpanzees and they being the great people they are sent him to have a personal chat here with me,to know my opinion whether or not I liked him.

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