Chapter 33

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A/n:- Hi! Great Readers, *waving both hands excitedly* I am back with a double update *grinning widely*.

I sincerely apologise for this long wait
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Yudhishthir ,Sahadev, Arjun and Bheem stared at Adhvika in anticipation and Adhvika

Smirked. Which meant no good.

"Prince Nakul, I said that Yudhishthir can't wear that much. I never said anything about the Jewelleries being more or less in number. If you ask me then I think Yudhishthir should wear another set of Jewelleries. Wait, do you remember Matha Kunti showing us the heavier ones? In my opinion they look fabulous for this attire. These lighter ones,which you are holding were supposed to be paired with the Amethyst or any other shade of purple coloured attire. As the colour of the attire has changed, don't you think we should switch to the heavier ones?
Think Prince Nakul think, Your Jesht Bratha Yudhishthir would glow even more brighter than the Sun, He would look so perfect, so Majestic and strikingly handsome that the Royals might mistake him as the Maharaj himself. So what say?" Adhvika exaggerated dramatically and Nakul's eyes lit up and he smiled gratefully at her.

Whereas the other Pandavas reactions were quite hilarious. Sahadev was astonished, nonetheless he expected some kind of twist in her answer and he was proved right. Regardless of everything, he felt really bad for his Jesht who in particular isn't fond of Jewelleries at all. Ok, none of the Brothers excluding Nakul were fond of Jewelleries.

Arjun was in a dilemma, he wanted to laugh so badly, however he couldn't,as that would surely upset his Jesht. Still it would be a white lie if he said that this wasn't hilarious. Oh!! Princess Adhvika is humorous alright!

Poor Jesht was betrayed by his first friend. Arjun thought while striving hard to stifle the laughter bubbling inside of him.

Bheem on the other hand was actually puzzled. He was still contemplating whether he should laugh at Princess Adhvika's reply or should he console his Jesht? Who is looking one step behead of banging his own head on the pillar next to him.

Now, the victim in this case also known as Dharmaraj Yudhishthir was feeling a myriad of emotions flowing through him. He was feeling betrayed, distressed, sad. Overall he felt awful. He didn't know whether he should cry his heart out or jump off his balcony. Well that would be too extreme. Nevertheless he was throwing looks of betrayal towards Adhvika. Who promptly ignored him as if he was a mere fly trying to catch her attention.

"You are absolutely right Princess Adhvika, I will go to Matha's room and bring those Jewelleries. Thank you for suggesting me and I can say that you are a true friend." Saying this Nakul eagerly walked out of Yudhishthir's room. His hansome face glowing with happiness and excitement.

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