Chapter 24

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A/n:- Hi my dear readers!! I am here to announce you that, you all can ask The Great Adhvika Mahajan any questions if you have,it may relate to her opinions on anyone from the book or if she has any secret crush in here and many more different questions. Your doubts regarding anything in the story.

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The Great Adhvika Mahajan is waiting for your questions, * while torturing the hell out of the Author.*

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What did he say?


Oh!! Yeah!!


About not calling names




I shouldn't call people by names.


I did just that,I didn't call them by names, rather I gave them a much suitable name.


But who said this mind blowing statement? That person should be rewarded.
I whirled around and my lips twitched in a smile,I calmly gazed at the Five Pandavas and sweetly said.

"Can you repeat what did you say?"

"You shouldn't call names to someone like that Princess Adhvika."

So he is the one, hmm, I should have guessed this by now.

I smiled extra sweetly at the eldest Pandav.

You don't really want to be on my good side now do you?

Here I was trying to cut you some slack, but nu-uh!!
How can you stay quiet, nope that can never happen.

He can forgive his dear little cousins,who tried to kill his little brother when they were younger,but nah!! I cannot call them the names that they truly deserve..
Nope it's blasphemy.

Tsk,tsk, how sad!!

I internally rolled my eyes at this.

I didn't wanted to be partial, However I still called him Mr Truth. I respected him, I respected a person other than Krishna.

He should have considered himself as lucky.

I called my Brathas, my real saviours as Giant gorilla and chimpanzee for almost an year, this person over here,who I respected despite of him failing to protect my precious self from falling flat on my face, doesn't want the respect ,me as in the great Adhvika Mahajan is giving him..

No problem,it's your decision. I respected you because you were my favourite in 21st century.

I don't think that you made a good second and third impression at all.

Let's see what happens in the future...

Back to Pandavas.
I raised a brow at the Pandavas. Who were looking like some lost puppies..

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