Chapter 23

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A/n :- Hi everyone!!
Thank you so much my dear readers for 4k *smiling widely*. I thank all my active readers as well as my silent readers *thanking you all while grinning like a fool * for reading and giving my book your precious time. Please do continue to support my book. Thank you once again and please vote more guys. It motivates me .

And thank you all for your opinion on long chapter.
So no warning as you all love long chapter. *Waving at you all and exiting the room*. Although I'll come back if needed *sheepishly grinning*


I am going to kick him.

I am definitely going to kick him, I don't care about who he is.

I am going to kick Krishna, the next time I see him, as I cannot kick him in my mind.
Who knows I may get a headache by kicking him in my mind, would I?

Ah!! Nevermind,

I will always come to your help when you call me Vika, and blah, blah, blah.

Great words, but Krishna seems to forget that saying great words aren't enough, you also have to act upon it. Just like me.

From yesterday evening I am calling Krishna, but nope, no response.

If he was busy then atleast he could say that 'I am busy, talk to you later Vika', it wouldn't take more than a few seconds. He isn't even typing for his sake.
But nu-uh!! I won't, why ?
Cause I can as I am God!!

Ha!! I huffed and rolled my eyes at MR Almighty and his words.
Aren't his words supposed to be a promise sort of thing? Also those typical lines, like I give you my word and that's like everything for a Kshatriya.

He is God basically, but still,

Well, in this era he is Krishna not Shri Ram !!
Ah!! That makes sense now. I nodded my head in realisation.

No one can really know when Krishna is joking and when he is serious.
He is really a complete enigma,a Mystery no one can ever solve.
Sometimes he acts all serious,but in reality he is just joking,and when he is really serious,he very delightfully confuses us.
I sighed frustratingly.

I just hope that he won't break his promise of sending me back to 21st century.

Oh!! Who am I kidding?
He might just come up with some new mind blowing idea of his to make me stay here. Like how he came up with that connection problems last time, When he didn't wanted to inform me about the main fact, that he cannot read my mind.

Connection is breaking Vika . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Like really?
I shook my head in disbelief and snorted.
What does he actually take me for?
Even that Pig wouldn't believe him, then how can he expect me,like really me to believe his ridiculously non- sense reason?

Ha!! I am the great Adhvika Mahajan, he cannot fool me like others.

No offense Shiv ji, I didn't really insult your Aradhya or something,I am just commenting on how his reason makes no sense at all. Which is the truth by the way!! So don't punish me .

{Aradhya : The God you are devoted to and worship, in this case Lord Vishnu or more specifically, Lord Rama who is an Avatar of Lord Vishnu is Lord Shiva's Aradhya, while Lord Shiva is Lord Vishnu's Aradhya}

Also about this lehenga...
It's final, I am going to officially murder this Lehenga and Veil.

What? these both are torturing the daylights of me.

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