༺✧ Questions ✧༻

728 39 182

Author's Note:- Hi Great Readers!!
*waving both hands like a crazy homo sapiens *

I know you all are waiting for an update..
But my great readers didn't complete the given target yet. So...
*pouts sadly *

Please complete the 100 Votes target on my previous chapters Great Readers.


Ok,now let's talk business shall we?
*Author realises what she wrote and face palms herself*

Oops!! Sorry.
After writing The Great Princess Adhvika Mahajan. I have started talking only about deals and business *shaking her head in disbelief*

Talk about being influenced by your own self made character.
*rolls eyes*

Please don't mind my rant, I talk a lot or write a lot in this case, I guess. *shrugs her shoulder*

Yeah anyways, let's get to the main topic. *mumbles* Before I start to forget about the topic and blabber like Adhvi on something completely off topic.


゚°☆⫷⊰⊹QUESTIONS⊹⊱⫸☆° ゚

So my Great Readers you have to ask questions, anything that you want to ask the characters. I am expecting some exciting questions from both my silent and active readers. 💖


(1) ⊰⊹Author (yeah, you can ask me as well)⊹⊱ -----»➳

(2) ⊰⊹Adhvika Mahajan⊹⊱ -----»➳

(3) ⊰⊹The Mahajan's (anyone you want)⊹⊱

(4) ⊰⊹The Karnata's (Brathas and Pitashree ofcourse)⊹⊱ ------»➳

(5) ⊰⊹Adhvi's Bffs (Arjit,Dhanvik,Avani,Anvi and Rudhra)⊹⊱ ------»➳

(6) ⊰⊹The Shri Krishna, Shri Balram, Revathi jiji and Subhadra ⊹⊱ ------»➳

(7) ⊰⊹The Pandavas (again I expect for everyone here pleaseeeee)⊹⊱ ------»➳

(8) ⊰⊹Duryodhan and Karn⊹⊱ ------»➳

(9) ⊰⊹Gandhar Raj Shakuni and Dushasan⊹⊱ ------»➳

(10) ⊰⊹Any other Characters from Hastinapur⊹⊱ ------»➳


» I am expecting your questions and I will surely answer all of yours.

Please do vote and ask questions Great Readers, waiting patiently for the questions.

Your Author ♥︎

Have a great day or night ahead!!
Love you all 💖

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