Chapter 17

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I stood their frozen..
Krishna is behind me....
He is the almighty God.
He knows Shiva.
Oh goodness,.
He knows like everything..

Adhvika Mahajan.
I heard that deep husky voice calling behind me once again.
Wait!! Why does this situation quite match with that Stree film..
So should I turn back or not? he is calling me from behind,just like the way in that film..
Uh!!, he is God and not a ghost..

So I whirled around hastily and for the first time in my life I was stunned and rooted in my place as if I suddenly got the ability to turn into a statue.
My breath hitched, my god ,The God is the most handsome male I have ever encountered in my whole life.
He wasn't blue though,.. on contrary to many people's belief ,he has a warm skin tone, he was tall, like ridiculously tall like almost 6'7 or something, a inch taller than Father and Bratha Avi.
He had a V shaped face, one of the most attractive face type..
His eyebrows were that of a rounded one, which complimented his face shape a lot.
His eyes were a rare shade of brown with a barely noticeable spike of copper in it.. don't ask me how I noticed that,but I did..

His eyes was mesmerizing and it was shining brightly as if the stars itself resided in them, which may happen as he is god ,.. but can the star shrink so much?
Let's not talk science now,
He is god...
Let's continue appreciating his features.
His well defined, straight nose which had a slightest almost un-noticeable hump,

His lips were thin,while his lower lip was slightly  larger than his upper lip, it suited his masculinity well,his square projected chin, well defined jaw line,he had that perfect neck line... His broad shoulders, and my,my was he built...
He had that perfectly built body,not as broadly built as Shri Balram or Bratha Avi,he had those firm, stronger chest,then he had those perfect abs, which were covered by the ridiculous amount of jewelry he wore...
Stop it Adhvi, you are practically gawking and drooling over Krishna. On top of that,I am complimenting only his body,not the clothes... Great.

I quickly shut my mouth which was slightly parted and craned my neck to look at Krishna,if I continued to do this every single time ,it is seriously going to sprain my neck...

Krishna had a mischievous smirk on his ridiculously handsome face while his eyes held amusement in them.

I rolled my eyes at his reaction.
Ofcourse this is the ultimate reaction  which I receive from almost everyone.

I stayed silent and looked at Krishna straight in his eyes.
After the staring competition,I came to a conclusion.
I glared at him while crossing my arms.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

I pointed my finger at him

"You are an imposter. " I voiced out my suspicion.

He looked startled by my words.

"Why would you say that?" He asked still confused.

"See this is why you are an imposter,if you were the Real Krishna then you wouldn't ask me why? Because you are god,you should have known everything." I nodded to myself in conclusion.
He stared at me in complete astonishment.

Hmm, great, Adhvika you can also work as a detective..
I smiled happily at my multi talented personality.

"But I called you by your real name Adhvika Mahajan." He kept his stand..
I knew he was going to say that.

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